***OKIES in the BYC III ***

We've been landlocked for a couple of days. Here's a view of the main dirt road that leads to our place, S. 154th St. West, with the photo taken from highway 16 looking south. There's about four feet of water in the pasture on the right, in the road, and in the pasture on the left. Boats only need attempt a crossing at this time.

That looks about like our highway into town. We are up on a hill but aren't going to make it into town until the water goes down.
The chicks and mom have made it through the rain safe and sound, they are growing like little weeds.

The red one eating was from one of the light brown eggs, the one on the far rt was the icu chick from the darkest egg. That one just surprises me every day. It had not even internally pipped and had what I thought was a catastrophic bleed at hatch, was shrink wrapped, and had an abd hernia. (no where near as big as Rudy's though)

Grey one up front and the other dark one w/ the spot on the head both from white eggs.

This red one has a beard, forgot how cute the bearded ones are.

Kass - They're getting big fast. I've got five from the same group/hatch date, but they're still in a big brooder with a light. I know they can do without it, but they don't have a doting mother to care for them, so I've been a softie.

DH took me to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens. We both loved it. The new characters fit well with the original cast members. If you get a chance to see it in 3D, I think it's worth it.

Kass - They're getting big fast. I've got five from the same group/hatch date, but they're still in a big brooder with a light. I know they can do without it, but they don't have a doting mother to care for them, so I've been a softie.

DH took me to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens. We both loved it. The new characters fit well with the original cast members. If you get a chance to see it in 3D, I think it's worth it.

The momma make a big difference for sure!!!!!

Gary took our nephew to see it. They loved it, I've never been a fan, I'm a Trekie, and a Whovian, but never got into SW
Kass - They're getting big fast. I've got five from the same group/hatch date, but they're still in a big brooder with a light. I know they can do without it, but they don't have a doting mother to care for them, so I've been a softie.

DH took me to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens. We both loved it. The new characters fit well with the original cast members. If you get a chance to see it in 3D, I think it's worth it.

Glad to see you were finally able to get out! Thanks for the movie advice...I was debating.
I have a single chick that hatched Dec 28th and need desperately to find a buddy or two for it. It is a chochin or chochin cross, so should be small. If anyone has like aged/sized chicks that they can donate or I can purchase, it would be very appreciated!!!! I am located south of OKC in Newcastle but can drive to pick up or meet.

Hope you all that lost power are finally getting it back!
Coral the two darker chicks w/ the spots on their heads, that hatched from white eggs have what looks like leaf combs and are developing top knots I think. Does that help to ID parentage?

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