***OKIES in the BYC III ***

@Kassaundra I have photos of the little guy with spraddle legs. He's doing great (still on the scrawny side). I fluffed him with a baby toothbrush, so he is no longer the crunchy chick.

Looks like Joe Pye Weed -Eutrochium
Used by Native Americans to treat fever, kidney stones and urinary infections
Definitely attracts butterfly and other polinators as well as beneficial bugs.
There are several varieties growing from 2 feet to 8 feet. Mine grows about 5 feet tall...I like to cut it back to 2 feet this time of year so that it puts out more stems for flowers. The stems have a reddish/purple cast with opposite leaves. The stems are smooth and the leaves are serrated.
Pink to purple flowers bloom July to September have a pleasant fragrance..
Great back of border plant...transplants easily, but will need staking for the taller varieties.

Often found growing in the same area is Another tall "weed" that has a similar growth habit, but has a leave that is alternate on a slightly velvety stem. Blooms are white in the fall. It is called False Boneset or Eupatorium Allissimum. It is difficult to dig out.
It hass minimal medicinal properties other than to make you sneeze to clear your nostrils. It does attract pollinators and beneficials.

Both will offer some summer shade to chicken pons.
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Thanks, looking it up it says it loves moist soil, will it survive our summer w/o added water? I've never seen it in my yard before, but there is a huge amount now.
Hi everyone.. I've got a question? I've got a hen who's wanting to sit, but she's been getting in and out of the nestat least once a day, for about 30 minutes at a time? Are her eggs going to develop at this rate or should I gather them?

This is my first time owning chickens and the first time dealing with a sort of broody hen.
Hi everyone.. I've got a question? I've got a hen who's wanting to sit, but she's been getting in and out of the nestat least once a day, for about 30 minutes at a time? Are her eggs going to develop at this rate or should I gather them?

This is my first time owning chickens and the first time dealing with a sort of broody hen.

That is completely normal for them to leave the nest 1 or 2 times for about 30 minutes a day, they need to eat drink and poop, the eggs will be fine.
That is completely normal for them to leave the nest 1 or 2 times for about 30 minutes a day, they need to eat drink and poop, the eggs will be fine.

Aaah that's a relief! She definitely eats and drinks and poops when she's up then makes a fuss and runs as fast as her legs can carry her back to her nest.

When I candle them tomorrow, and there's no veins forming in the egg, should I toss them? I assume three days at 80+ Temps would ruin an egg?

Thank you so much for the help!!
Okay guys, Miss Phyllis went broody, but that poses some logistic problems, how does a momma chicken keep her babies warm w/o feathers. The answer of course is a special maternity dress, like that wasn't obvious
This is prototype one. It is the leg of one of Gary's thermal undies and some wool scraps.

OMG! Gone for three weeks and this what I miss!

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