***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I know that LF Cochins mature very slowly and don't often have a big comb but I have had my blue pullet since POOPPS and just today I saw that Lola is a boy! "She" is 6" taller that my very large Buff hen, Peaches, and Lola's wattle is getting big but I have never heard her make any sound even remotely like crowing. This morning Lola tried to top Peaches and suddenly it struck me like lightning - Roo! Then I saw the tail feathers.... Duh. That is why "she" has acted like a watchdog when the flock is freeranging. She will be a beautiful and huge roo but now I need a new name for him.

Maybe "Blue"?
Need some advice on my chicks blue ameraucanas from fellow okies. These chicks are probably 4 - 6 weeks old at most. I have kept them in the utility room in a rabbit cage and they are making a mess of it daily. I have a dog run with a dog kennel in it outside with pine shavings in the kennel. Question is.......is it to late in the year to put those chicks outside even with a red heated lamp (their are only 4) and maybe including my 2 little frizzles with them? Everyone seems appears well. Just can't fathom the idea of keeping them in the utility room until March,,,,,,
I don't kknow about the frizzles, but if they have a full set of feathers on them (maybe not at this age) and shelter from the wind it might be fine. I am also contemplating putting some youngsters out - but they are fully feathered and have some body mass to them - likely 3 months old at least.
Need some advice on my chicks blue ameraucanas from fellow okies. These chicks are probably 4 - 6 weeks old at most. I have kept them in the utility room in a rabbit cage and they are making a mess of it daily. I have a dog run with a dog kennel in it outside with pine shavings in the kennel. Question is.......is it to late in the year to put those chicks outside even with a red heated lamp (their are only 4) and maybe including my 2 little frizzles with them? Everyone seems appears well. Just can't fathom the idea of keeping them in the utility room until March,,,,,,
According to channel 6 news (which weather forcasts are iffy here in Oklahoma as we know) they say in NE OK it should be average of 76 for a high and sunny on Sunday. That will be great if it actually is! I can give you that info but can't help you with the other since I am still learning all about this new world of chickens.
How much do the 10-egg Brinsea incubators run, if you don't mind me asking. I am wanting to buy an incubator for myself but everything I read makes me scared to even try to hatch anything in one type or the other. I am SO overly compulsive about doing it just right that I am afraid I will over correct myself and ruin all the eggs I get. My husband of course thinks you buy an incubator, stick in the eggs and turn it on and TAH DAH! Chickies! After all I have read it sounds like there is a fine science to it. Do you think this particular one would be good for a beginner?

Mine is the 10-egg one and you have to turn the eggs yourself 3 times a day (supposedly), it was like $130 total with shipping. Probably about every other day I'd forget to turn them because the incubator was out in the RV. I made sure at least one of the water wells always had water in in and these guys came out perfect. I think the secret is get eggs from someone you know, someone that can tell you when they were laid that you trust. I really think a lot of the online egg seller are selling old eggs and blaming the Post Office for rough handling. I've never had good hatches with anything but my own eggs laid here.

I know that LF Cochins mature very slowly and don't often have a big comb but I have had my blue pullet since POOPPS and just today I saw that Lola is a boy! "She" is 6" taller that my very large Buff hen, Peaches, and Lola's wattle is getting big but I have never heard her make any sound even remotely like crowing. This morning Lola tried to top Peaches and suddenly it struck me like lightning - Roo! Then I saw the tail feathers.... Duh. That is why "she" has acted like a watchdog when the flock is freeranging. She will be a beautiful and huge roo but now I need a new name for him.

Same thing happened to me with Lillith, my huge Brown Red LF Cochin :lau I was crushed when people told me my big beautiful hen was a rooster lol I think back now and wonder how I could've been so blind. But Lillith was already Lillith, I couldn't get used to calling her anything else. She's 15 months or so now and I still call her a girl. So just keep Lola's name. It'll keep him humble :-D
Oh, and Scrapperval-I've got 14 chicks that are 6 wks old on the enclosed deck in a big water trough with a 300 watt bulb and they're fine. I'd have moved them out to a 10x10 kennel already with a doghouse and the heat lamp but I got lazy and didn't get to it this week. I think yours will be fine with a heat lamp and access away from wind and rain.
@bardies, will it be a shock to their system to put them outside in December? I certainly understand letting them get some body fat and more feathers.

@trues - hoping our weatherman is correct on Sunday! Would love to put the little ones outside on still green grass.....
Ksane, that's just it there is no wind control. It will whip right through that dog cage. it's more like a dog run 10 x 12 or close. Only the kennel will protect them with the heated lamp. Trying to talk DH to put a tarp around the cage for wind protection. Also hoping your chicken is doing better. And as always thanks to everyone for your replies.
Ksane, that's just it there is no wind control. It will whip right through that dog cage. it's more like a dog run 10 x 12 or close. Only the kennel will protect them with the heated lamp. Trying to talk DH to put a tarp around the cage for wind protection. Also hoping your chicken is doing better. And as always thanks to everyone for your replies.

Can you put a doghouse in there and visquene or tarp the run all the way around? Maybe put it next to the house? Otherwise you can always get a couple of big tubs and split them into 2 groups. It's mostly the next couple days that are going to be real cold.
Ksane, that's just it there is no wind control. It will whip right through that dog cage. it's more like a dog run 10 x 12 or close. Only the kennel will protect them with the heated lamp. Trying to talk DH to put a tarp around the cage for wind protection. Also hoping your chicken is doing better. And as always thanks to everyone for your replies.
If you can get a hold of some tarps or even cheap plastic sheeting to make a wind break and keep rain out that will help, but they need something like a small dog house or even a sturdy box to huddle and get warm together. When the weather is cold the more the merrier!

Okay, strange question, and I hope I don't gross anybody out too much. I think Puff could use some serious de-necrotizing, and the more I think about it, the more I think a few maggots would do her a world of good. Caramel got them when she was wounded and it was the hardest thing in the world for me to leave them alone and let them work, but that was in the summer. Have any of you ever used them? If so, any tips would be appreciated.
I had a turkey hen that had her eye damaged and it got infected. She ended up losing the eye and it took a couple months of debreeding it before getting the infection under control and for her to totally heal. More then once I wished for a couple of maggots. They are wonderful for that sort of thing and it doesn't take that long. I do know they use maggots for people with gangrene. Maggots will only eat the dead flesh and leave the healthy flesh alone. It is gross but it could mean the difference between life and death for your bird. Also make sure you are giving her antibiotics this will keep the infection down.

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