Okies in the BYC The Original

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sonner - i would not close them all the way in the traped morsture would cause frost bite give thm a wind brake on the noth and west side i fill for the litel guys in this cold
We were fortunate, the a-frame style pens have liquid water and did not freeze at all. I only have 10 pens with ice in the water to deal with. I have decided all the birds are getting A-frames from now on, that will make winter life sooooo much easier.

How is everyone else fairing in this lovely blast of winter?
No not wanting to close them completely in just wondering if I should block some of the air coming up through the bottom of the cage either with hay or something to shut down some of the air flow.
I agree with donnie,I would at least cover part of the bottom. A folded feed sack would work and can be disposed of when it warms up. I would cover at least half of the bottom. I love your avatar! wonder if we can get that onthe next poops shirt!

Been busy this morning. Fed and watered everyone. Then I butchered two roosters. It was the first chickens I have butchered in years! Went very well. They were black and had white skin and were in full plumage so no pin feathers to mess with. These were free range half banty roos from last spring(I didn't raise them) and talk about some tough skin! Wow ! and the meat is as dark as beef! They are more like gamebirds than those soft plumpy broilers most people butcher. But they will make great dumplings! Just cook a little longer!lol
Then I went to the Pharmacy!
Wow again!
:rant four bottles,two for Brenda two for me,$235! And thats with ins.,med. card!I don't know how old people on social security make it. I guess they don't thats the problem!
WE got another inch of snow last night. Its not going to melt today. Fridgid air comming in and wind blowing! I brought the mice aquarium in,its in my bathroom,Also brought the guniea pigs in. They are on top of the washer in the laundry room. Brenda hates the mice!
thats me getting smacked! She tolerates the g.pigs except she doesn't know about theses yet!
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