Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Sorry to hear about your little hens Chickette. I also have bantams and love their seet personalities. Congratulations on your broody and keep us updated on everything.
sorry to hear about your bantam. An owl got our favorite Bantam roo last winter. I miss that little guy....

Luckily the 1st batch of eggs I hatched has 2 of his offspring in it. They look a lot like him....
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Thanks for the kind words on our "late" banty hens
Rest in peace Midgy Midge, and Joy. unfortunatly these things happen from time to time. We solved the owl problem with netting over the coup. I am glad to hear you have a few of your "late" roos off-spring Stonykill
Now lets see more pics
I wish I could follow the directions to post pics but its just to hard
. I am computer illeterate with this cut and paste stuff
I'm sure this question has been asked many times before but how long do you let your hen sit on eggs to where it becomes the point when they won't hatch/not even fertile? This is our very first time hatching eggs under our hen and today is day 21! When will the chicks hatch if they are fertile?
Don't give up yet, give her a couple more days then evaluate. have you picked them up and listened to the egg sometimes you can hear the chick peep and have you looked for pips. Mama might not like it but your head Roo!
I agree with Miss Lydia, tap the egg with your finger nail and listen. You may hear a reply
I have a many times and always smile after. Its just adoralble hearing the pip, pip of a little chick
I'm a little late to the party, but here's my broody with her little ones:

My darling Cream Puff has 8 chicks and an adopted gosling. Shes such a good mama!

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