Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

O.K everyone, here you go-
I want high production egg layers (sell my eggs), relatively friendly (doesn't have to be), would prefer PB's, I live in a sub tropical - tropical climate, I have a lot of run space and I free range my hens, my roosts are about 1metre off the ground but their is a ladder for those who don't want to fly up (like my frizzle and Araucana's) and I like large breeds (like Orps and WLH's).
So what breed of hen is this???
I was thinking Minorca's and WLH's.
What about Astralorps.... Um .... whats a WLH? I am abbreviationally challenged.
I am currently just lurking here and waiting for one of my 4 hens to go broody or my incubator to ship
What hens do you have???
O.K everyone, here you go-
I want high production egg layers (sell my eggs), relatively friendly (doesn't have to be), would prefer PB's, I live in a sub tropical - tropical climate, I have a lot of run space and I free range my hens, my roosts are about 1metre off the ground but their is a ladder for those who don't want to fly up (like my frizzle and Araucana's) and I like large breeds (like Orps and WLH's).
So what breed of hen is this???
I was thinking Minorca's and WLH's.
my easter eggers lay extra large eggs everyday including in the winter. they are nice, could fly onto that roosting pole, and im pretty sure are pretty weather adaptive so i suggest them hope this helps
I only lurk here, as I'm currently just a broody-wanter, but wanted to offer my two cents on two queries.

For the coop designer, have you thought about corner wheels that can be lowered when you want to move the coop and raised so the coop is back on the ground while in one place? My main concern about moving coops is ensuring no one is inside during the move, but that's just me.

For cluckcluckluke, since you have several breeds around you I would probably opt for local eggs. If you are not sure what to hatch why not try a couple of each? I personally think white leghorns are wonderful but I stay away from white birds because I free range and they are too easy to spot from the sky, but Minorcas would be very cool, and they are a breed that would benefit from more folks raising them. I want to add some to my flock later this year or next year. Wyandottes are beautiful, Ameraucanas lay pretty eggs. I try to stay local as much as possible, and you may benefit from having a local resource for whatever breed(s) you choose.
I agree, I am wanting to add some BA's to my flock and I have found a local source, sounds good to me, seems eggs would be fresher and not having to worry about them getting here in one piece through the mail is another bonus. So if you have local sources that would be my idea of which breeds to add, hey you live in Australia why not BA's? I have EE's and I love getting those blue eggs too.
O.K everyone, here you go-
I want high production egg layers (sell my eggs), relatively friendly (doesn't have to be), would prefer PB's, I live in a sub tropical - tropical climate, I have a lot of run space and I free range my hens, my roosts are about 1metre off the ground but their is a ladder for those who don't want to fly up (like my frizzle and Araucana's) and I like large breeds (like Orps and WLH's).
So what breed of hen is this???
I was thinking Minorca's and WLH's.
Whats a PB?

how about Delaware, Australorp, White leghorn
and later if you cross your leghorn with your Araucanas you can make "Super Blue egg layers" because the blue is dominant.

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