Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

You know you can make pretty cheap yogurt for your chickens? I do this all the time for myself. Heat milk (I do 1/2 gallon at a time--don't use super pasteurized, just regular any fat content) to 180* (takes about 20 minutes in the microwave). Allow to cool to less than 120*. Add 2 Tbsp plain yogurt (for the culture) and whisk it in. Cover, wrap in towel, place in slightly warmed (but definitely OFF) oven with the oven light on for 6-8 hours and VOILA! Yogurt. Easy peasy and MUCH cheaper than buying. You can use the last bit of your last batch for the culture of your next. Heating kills bacteria, then you add the new "good" bacteria (culture) and let it grow in the warm environment. I eat this every day. I like to add 1/2 cup fat free powdered milk in the beginning (before heating) and after removing from the oven, I chill mine for 2 hours in the fridge, then strain through a cloth to remove about a quart of whey. That gives me nice creamy greek-style yogurt and my chickens get the whey (they go bonkers for it! unless my dear mom gets it first--she loves to cook with it). Don't flavor or sweeten (for human consumption) until after straining and setting aside your 2 Tbsp of starter for the next batch (which you can keep in the fridge for 2 weeks or just freeze it). I usually start the process at night and sleep while it's warming. Six hours is pretty much the minimum time it will take, but you can leave it up to 10 in the warm oven. I always put a sign on the oven that says "PLEASE LEAVE OVEN DOOR SHUT AND OVEN LIGHT ON. YOGURT MAKING IN PROGRESS." I used to put the sign on the oven handle, but once I forgot I was making yogurt and nearly ruined a batch by preheating the oven for pizza. I realized my error when I started to smell the towel burning. Now I put the sign right over the oven controls. SHEESH! (face-palm)
I missed the part where the op wanted floorless. Yes it is doubly unsafe going floorless. 1st digging predators get in and 2nd you can't move it without 1st removing all of the birds.
Asparagus in the snow with his auntie: Bella:
Johnn, You have a nice looking flock! How old is Asparagus? I have an 8 month old Plymouth Barred Rock rooster named Foxy. He has a great time with his 5 hens.
You have a nice looking flock! How old is Asparagus? I have an 8 month old Plymouth Barred Rock rooster named Foxy. He has a great time with his 5 hens.
Thankyou!!,Thats not all my hens, the other ones were in the shed with the old cockerel because they hate snow!, Asparagsus is a Cuckoo Maran, im not sure how old her is he is between 28-30 weeks :)

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