Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

We have a miss mini baby

My son was comeing out of his bath and started hollering about the babies hatching, I went to have a look but I coudnt see anything so I tried to get her to stand up and she was haveing non of that thank you very much she even pecked me but when she shifted again I saw a little yellow baby. I dont know if there are any more I just cuaght a glimps and decided to leave her alone as she was throughly peterbed with me. This is day 19 and the baby seemed pretty fluffy so its not super new probly hatched this morning maybe. Im so excited, Im glad she didnt freak out and leave the nest with a little thing squirming around under her. I bet that was why she was clucking softly to her self earler.
Do you all think broody hens know when their eggs are due to hatch? Ours should hatch this weekend and I went to check on her today and she was WAY more irritable than usual and did not want me moving her to check her eggs. Usually she isn't so moody! I'm getting anxious to see some action! Will post pictures as soon as I can!
They listen and talk to their chicks in their eggs.

Quote: I have ravens the size of Large Fowl Chickens. And have seen them carrying things as large as an egg.

One time I caught my turkey beating something up in the coop. OMG He was going to town. when I picked him off I found a young raven laying on its back with its eyes tightly shut. Right under the nest boxes. I grabbed him up and realized he was still alive and unbroken. I kept him in my jacket to warm him up on a cold winter morning.... when I felt him move I peeked in he peeked back and shut his eyes again....

Last I saw of him he was walking down my driveway..... Probably too embarrassed to fly at the moment.

I wouldnt put it past a raven to pick a small chicken off. But there are others that like chicken like hawks and owls. Owls dont Just come out at night.... Some hawks are only a bit larger than a pigeon too.

We have 2 confirmed babies under miss mini , I saw 2 little yellow fuzzies one pipped egg and one non pipped egg but that means there is a fuzzy I didnt see or an egg MIA . She is really nervous though so I didnt want to make her get up completly I just lifted her a little to see the babies then let her alone.

There are now 2 yellow chicks that I could see one pipped egg and one unpipped egg... She was sitting on 5 eggs but I didnt see the other one
. The pipped and unpipped egg keep getting shifted around till they are pokeing out like in the pic is that ok ??
We have 2 confirmed babies under miss mini , I saw 2 little yellow fuzzies one pipped egg and one non pipped egg but that means there is a fuzzy I didnt see or an egg MIA . She is really nervous though so I didnt want to make her get up completly I just lifted her a little to see the babies then let her alone.

There are now 2 yellow chicks that I could see one pipped egg and one unpipped egg... She was sitting on 5 eggs but I didnt see the other one
. The pipped and unpipped egg keep getting shifted around till they are pokeing out like in the pic is that ok ??
congrats and it is fine and normal. Mama will pull them back under if they need pulling back under. Best to just leave her be and let her have her hatch
I will , Im really trying , I have only tried to look twice . Its driveing me nuts lol Im use to haveing a bator window to be glued to but a featherd butt makes view harder . I wil be good and try not to bug her till she comes off the nest . Keeping an EYE on the one egg though cuase its anywhere between a day and four days behind the others and I will slip it in the bator if she gets off the nest befor its hatched.
Please help...I just had a silkie hen go broody today for the first time. I have eggs in an incubator that are on days 11, 12 and 13. I also have shipped eggs arriving tomorrow. What is the best thing to do?? I thought about moving my incubated ones under her, but am worried they would die with maybe the change in temps. Also thought about adding some shipped eggs under her. Then thought, finish hatching eggs in incubator and try adding chicks under her, but worried she hasn't sat long enough. Please...I'm at a loss at what is the best thing to do.

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