Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

yes absolutely. I do not consider a floorless sleeping area a safe coop

That is what makes it safe to move them while all are aboard. Original poster (I think) wants to build a floorless coop. I don't feel safe with floorless either, but if there is no floor I think it isn't safe to move it with any birds inside.
That is what makes it safe to move them while all are aboard. Original poster (I think) wants to build a floorless coop. I don't feel safe with floorless either, but if there is no floor I think it isn't safe to move it with any birds inside.
I missed the part where the op wanted floorless. Yes it is doubly unsafe going floorless. 1st digging predators get in and 2nd you can't move it without 1st removing all of the birds.
Oh sorry guys, PB is Pure Bred (I like abbreviations.lol.)
Could you give me some info on Delawares and I didn't know Australorps where top layers.
I was hoping to get a Araucana rooster so that I could make lots of colour laying hens in the future.
There is a page on this site that can help narrow down choices by allowing you to choose a number of things you prefer in your chickens.... it will give you a list of breeds that match the needs you listed... click on the breeds then to read more about them and their personalities and details.


good luck!
There is a page on this site that can help narrow down choices by allowing you to choose a number of things you prefer in your chickens.... it will give you a list of breeds that match the needs you listed... click on the breeds then to read more about them and their personalities and details.


good luck!
I've tried that a number of times and it never comes up with anything. I have decided to get Minorca and DUCK eggs. Thank you all for your help in deciding what I was to get. it was so much easier when I broke it down.
I have decided to get Minorca and DUCK eggs. Thank you all for your help in deciding what I was to get. it was so much easier when I broke it down.

The Minorca thanks you!
Sounds like you have let your birds hatch their eggs. I am new at this so maybe you can help. I left one of my hens with 3 eggs green white and a brown. I did not mark them and a few days later another brown appeared. She started on the 3rd so around the 23 I guess I will know if we have chicks. Can I handle the eggs and candle them without hurting the chicks? My other question is if they hatch will the hen protect the chicks or do I have to do some thing special to protect them from the flock?
Hi Rich386,
Are your eggs fertile? If so there are many different options, if it were me, I'd just leave her to it, I wouldn't worry about candling at all. Let Mother Nature prevail. It's important to remember though, broody hens aren't like incubators and don't always hatch at day 21. Both my girls had babies hatch at day 24. It has a lot to do with the temp where you live and your hen. I remember checking my eggs late on day 23 thinking they were no good, but heard cheeping. So I left her as lifting her up affects humidity too. Don't stress, she will be great, and if no eggs happen to hatch and you can't hear any cheeping then buy a few day old chicks and put them under her at night and take away the eggs if no good.
She will protect her chicks like a lion, but when they are just hatched its a good idea to keep just her and the chicks together for about a week. Depends what other chooks and roosters you have and their behaviour. Just take it as it comes, make sure she is safe and has access to food and water...hope this helps...

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