Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Good luck to everyone. I candled Betty's (broody #2) 4 eggs and all are veining and growing. She is on day 7. I have a doz. silkie eggs, 1 doz. bantam cochin eggs, 2 wyandotte eggs, and 18 large fowl eggs collected so far. I am putting the silkie, cochin, and wynd. eggs in the bator and giving the broodies the big eggs. Last year the broodies ran too hot and hatched out 90% roosters. The big eggs are the ones I hatch specifically for butcher, so they can all be roosters. :) I am thinking I will get more pullets out of the incubator. I usually do.

Sending good hatching vibes to all the broody girls.
I've got 1 (very mean) welsummer roo and 1 hen and several BOs. I want more welsummers! I get one welsummer egg most days. I'm collecting them and keeping at room temperature.

1) How many eggs can the BO sit on? 7-10 seems what most folks do, yes?
2) How long can the welsummer eggs sit at room temperature before I put them under a broody hen?

Thanks for your help.
Momma Smokey is proudly sitting on top of at least one hatched chick this morning!


I couldn't see it - but I could hear a faint chirp and I saw a piece of blue shell - so it's one of the Ameraucana chicks!

I'll check again later when I go to clean out the coop and see if I can peek under her & get a picture.

I have some faint chirps coming from the bator, but no pips
Just put the eggs under Gracie (My little BB Red hen) this is her first time so hopefully it will be a success! My friend owns her mom and she said she is a awesome mom so hopefully Gracie will take after her,

I put the eggs in and she looked like I was crazy for sticking my hand under her! LOL I put the 4 EE eggs underneath and she scooted them around until she was comfortable. I cant wait!! Hopefully in 21 days or so we will have some babies!!

Oh funny story, I was talking to my friend earlier and she said Gracies mom decided to set today too! So Mother Daughter hatchings! :D

Good luck, scarlett, to you AND Gracie!!
We'll be watching for pictures in 21 days or so ....
I've got 1 (very mean) welsummer roo and 1 hen and several BOs. I want more welsummers! I get one welsummer egg most days. I'm collecting them and keeping at room temperature.

1) How many eggs can the BO sit on? 7-10 seems what most folks do, yes?
2) How long can the welsummer eggs sit at room temperature before I put them under a broody hen?

Thanks for your help.

Most say no longer than 10 days. and 7-10 eggs would be good especially if a first timer. All the best and keep us posted...
Momma Smokey is proudly sitting on top of at least one hatched chick this morning!


I couldn't see it - but I could hear a faint chirp and I saw a piece of blue shell - so it's one of the Ameraucana chicks!

I'll check again later when I go to clean out the coop and see if I can peek under her & get a picture.

I have some faint chirps coming from the bator, but no pips

Oh my gosh, can't wait to see pics... Congrats
Depends on your "room temperature". I would say only 7 days, max, at 68 to 70 degrees. You might get a little longer if they are kept at 50 degrees but at higher temps, you need to get them cooking sooner. Humidity is also a concern when storing eggs for hatching. You should also be keeping them on an angle, if possible, and shifting them a couple of times per day.

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