Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

First broody hen!

As you can imagine I am super excited!

Do I need to move her or can I just keep her in the coop?

She is on the one nest that we have, they only use the one and not the other one we have. I hope that they other girls will lay in the other one while she is on her eggs.

If I do move her inside, how much light, heat and all that does she need.

If I do need to move her it wont be a problem as I can just pick up the nest box with her in it.

Also, do I need to clean out her nest box? There is old hay and some droppings in there, so I was unsure if I needed to transfer her to a new clean nest.

Gracie keeps getting off the nest! I went out earlier to give treats and she came down for about 10 minutes attacked a few silkies then went back up. That was about an hour ago she is back down again! The eggs are warm though. Is she going to abandon these eggs?? Please help!
mine do that periodically- they'll be off and racing around and go back- they know instinctively how long to be off, just keep an eye on her

and....drumroll please.... miss lacy settled into the bathroom fine, and today one of the eggs are peeping.....!!

as far as peeking at the chicks, i don't think it hurts since mom will let you know when enough is enough
Gracie keeps getting off the nest! I went out earlier to give treats and she came down for about 10 minutes attacked a few silkies then went back up. That was about an hour ago she is back down again! The eggs are warm though. Is she going to abandon these eggs?? Please help!

How many days has she been sitting on the eggs? My new broody would get down and eat/drink/poop & run around a few minutes - but then she'd bok, bok, bok herself back to the nest and squish back down on her eggs. As long as the eggs are warm and she is returning to them and not sleeping on the roost - she's probably still okay.
Congratulations! This was my 1st time too - and I have to say I hope I get to use a broody every time I hatch chicks - it's so much fun and easier for me.

I moved my broody to a separated area so that she wouldn't occupy the favorite nestbox and get pecked all the time. But I don't think you have to move them. I put her on a fresh nest of straw in an area covered with pine shavings and her eggs on top of the straw. She promptly rolled her eggs off the straw and into a circle she made on the floor of pine shavings. LOL!

I do not heat my coop - the night temps have dropped to 20Fs - however - she did not hatch her own eggs that were under her for 21 days - she instead is hatching shipped eggs that I placed under her on Day 14 or so. I believe the other eggs didn't make it because they got too cold. Then again she's a new pullet and they were her eggs - so maybe they weren't ever going to make it regardless of the temps. I only plan to heat if the babies are in distress - otherwise it stays fairly warm in the coop with all those chickens and manure going on.

You can start with a clean nest - it will probably get soiled - so don't worry about it. When she soils - you will want to remove her droppings as they are truly STINKY!

First broody hen!

As you can imagine I am super excited!

Do I need to move her or can I just keep her in the coop?

She is on the one nest that we have, they only use the one and not the other one we have. I hope that they other girls will lay in the other one while she is on her eggs.

If I do move her inside, how much light, heat and all that does she need.

If I do need to move her it wont be a problem as I can just pick up the nest box with her in it.

Also, do I need to clean out her nest box? There is old hay and some droppings in there, so I was unsure if I needed to transfer her to a new clean nest.

Yeah! You should have chicks soon!

mine do that periodically- they'll be off and racing around and go back- they know instinctively how long to be off, just keep an eye on her

and....drumroll please.... miss lacy settled into the bathroom fine, and today one of the eggs are peeping.....!!

as far as peeking at the chicks, i don't think it hurts since mom will let you know when enough is enough
How many days has she been sitting on the eggs? My new broody would get down and eat/drink/poop & run around a few minutes - but then she'd bok, bok, bok herself back to the nest and squish back down on her eggs. As long as the eggs are warm and she is returning to them and not sleeping on the roost - she's probably still okay.

mine do that periodically- they'll be off and racing around and go back- they know instinctively how long to be off, just keep an eye on her

and....drumroll please.... miss lacy settled into the bathroom fine, and today one of the eggs are peeping.....!!

as far as peeking at the chicks, i don't think it hurts since mom will let you know when enough is enough

This is her first day on the fertile eggs but I guess you could say she has been broody for two days. She is back on now. She does exactly what you explained she races around eating any scratch she can then heads back up. She isnt sleeping on the roost. Maybe Im just being paranoid!

Is it okay to keep lifting up Smokey's feathers and peeking under her - or should I just leave her alone for a couple of days? I know she's hatched that one AM and I think there must be a new Wellie under her by now too.

I know you can't open the bator when you're in lockdown - so I didn't know if maybe lifting her is like opening the bator?

Congrats on the ones that have hatched so far. If she is not having any problems with you looking then go ahead. Some hens don't care others will nip the skin right off of ya.
Talk about a broody Momma I think they need to rename is "Moody" Momma. I went out to give treats and she came off the nest to grab a few she ran after and grabbed 3 silkies for no reason! Then she picked up a few more treats then headed back to her lair/ nest! LOL I hate to see it if she hatches some babies!

Yep! Sounds like my broody mama from last summer. Heaven help those that even thought to look in her direction! Even if they didn't look - if she saw THEM, they were in trouble. Funny thing is, non-brooding, she's the most peace-loving bird out there. Hormones do STRANGE things!!!
Yep! Sounds like my broody mama from last summer. Heaven help those that even thought to look in her direction! Even if they didn't look - if she saw THEM, they were in trouble. Funny thing is, non-brooding, she's the most peace-loving bird out there. Hormones do STRANGE things!!!

Well she is top hen so she is peaceful as a top hen can be! But boy I have NEVER seen her act like this. Now if she will just stay on those eggs.....

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