Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I will have to wait until tomorrow to see the babies under Smokey - she's locked down tight on top of her eggs.

The Welsummer did hatch
and is drying off under her breast/wing. I saw the shell and tried to remove it, but it was stuck tightly to Smokey - so I figure she will probably pull it off herself. If it's still there when she's done hatching I will try to remove it gently with warm water.

So that's two chicks! YEAH!
scarlett456 i just saw you on the duck thread, boy you get around
where are you in NC I think i have also seen you on the NC thread. lol. My lil bantam only has 3 eggs.

I was wondering the same thing! I would be thrilled with two chicks from my girl since this is her first time and she only has 4 eggs which are standard eggs... Congrats!!
scarlett456 i just saw you on the duck thread, boy you get around
where are you in NC I think i have also seen you on the NC thread. lol. My lil bantam only has 3 eggs.

LOL I do go everywhere! I was on the duck thread earlier because I want some ducks really bad!

I live in Rowan County a little county but I dont mind. We area about a hour from Charlotte.

My broody hen is off the nest for 3rd time today! She needs to quit making me nervous! They are still warm though so lets pray she doesnt give up and roost tonight....
My friend has a little hen that just started laying, and she is already broody.

She is half black sex link, and half barred rock.

I saw her the other day, and sure enough she is sitting tight on those eggs, the other day, and today.

I of course didn't read through the whole thread, but I was wondering if you guys could tell me the

Do's and Dont's of dealing with a broody hen. I don't want her disturbed in any way, that she may get off of the eggs, and let the little embryos die because of human error
I am worried to move her because she is a bit nervous and jumpy.

I do need to get an egg from under her to see if they are even fertile!

Our rooster isnt the smoothest rooster out there...

Should I wait a few days to make sure she sits?

If I disturb her will she not sit?

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