Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

You can get a big bag of peat moss from any home type store. I got mine at Menards. I think any place like Home Depot, etc., that has a garden center will have it.

I did use sand for awhile - and at one point just dug dirt from the garden. At this time of year, if the ground isn't too frozen to dig the dirt, it would be holding a lot of moisture so you might have to let it dry out before putting it in the box. They didn't like the sand as well as the dirt or peat moss.

The WOOD ash helps prevent lice and mites. You only use a very little of it percentage wise in the whole box. You can get that from having a bonfire with wood or from someone that has a wood burning stove. Just ask them to save a bucket of their ashes for you!
Thank you, Leahs Mom! I really appreciate this and my chickens will soon.
Thank you, Leahs Mom! I really appreciate this and my chickens will soon.
If you can't find the peat and want sand instead...
Our local Lowe's store carries bagged sand that they have stored indoors, you can use either the 'tube sand' which is basically like a contractor grade coarser sand which they bag into tubes for folks to put in their vehicles to provide weight for traction... or you can get bagged play sand which is a 'finer' grade sand. I liked that they had it stored inside in that store so it was nice and dry to work with.

Heres the last one hatching.

The four eggs all hatched , I found the other egg thats not due till a day or so from now buried in the back of the pet taxi and cold , I candled it and the viening was still good and I thought I saw a small movement so I put it in the incubator with the rest of the eggs due to hatch in the next few days. Hopefully it wasnt too cold for two long. Mini is doing really well the babies are all fluffed up and do little walk around out in front of mom they were pecking and there bedding and digging around so my son offerd them some food and they ate from his hand they were he was so tickled. She hasnt come out of the taxi though one baby did then started peeping i put it back with her. She ended up doing a broody poop in there but I cleaned it up. She wont come out. I guess she will soon though as her babies are getting more adventurs by the minute.
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I've tried that a number of times and it never comes up with anything. I have decided to get Minorca and DUCK eggs. Thank you all for your help in deciding what I was to get. it was so much easier when I broke it down.
Try mypetchicken.com. They have a "chicken selector". It helped me alot. Warning: once you make up your mind, you will be introduced to other similar breeds and still wondering what breed to get. (at least that's my world right now.
I went to Wally World to today and got two of the left over Christmas containers. They are (inside measurements) 16 in wide x 21 in deep x 16 in high. Will these be big enough for Australorps, Cochins or Orpingtons?

I've read several posts that suggest these as brooding nests. If I'm wrong please stop me.
I received my shipped eggs this morning and my hen that went broody yesterday is still holding on the two eggs she claimed yesterday. So tonight, after letting the shipped eggs sit, I snuck out and put 4 under here. She was so cute shuffling them into place and accepted them perfectly. Now the count down begins!

Heres the last one hatching.

The four eggs all hatched , I found the other egg thats not due till a day or so from now buried in the back of the pet taxi and cold , I candled it and the viening was still good and I thought I saw a small movement so I put it in the incubator with the rest of the eggs due to hatch in the next few days. Hopefully it wasnt too cold for two long. Mini is doing really well the babies are all fluffed up and do little walk around out in front of mom they were pecking and there bedding and digging around so my son offerd them some food and they ate from his hand they were he was so tickled. She hasnt come out of the taxi though one baby did then started peeping i put it back with her. She ended up doing a broody poop in there but I cleaned it up. She wont come out. I guess she will soon though as her babies are getting more adventurs by the minute.
They are adorable, Congrats!!
If you can't find the peat and want sand instead...
Our local Lowe's store carries bagged sand that they have stored indoors, you can use either the 'tube sand' which is basically like a contractor grade coarser sand which they bag into tubes for folks to put in their vehicles to provide weight for traction... or you can get bagged play sand which is a 'finer' grade sand. I liked that they had it stored inside in that store so it was nice and dry to work with.
I love options--thank you, Fisherlady!

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