Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Hello everyone. So I'm kinda freaking out! My broody hen got mixed up about where her clutch of eggs were (or there was another hen in the box) and sat in the wrong box!!! No clue about length of time, but it's could be about a good 10hrs between the time hubby feed them this morning, and when I went to pick up eggs this evening. She has a little food holder in her nest box, but would have gotten up to stretch, get water, and do her business. The eggs are either on Day 15 or Day 14. Any possibility eggs are still good? Has this ever happened to anyone before?

Cute black chick. Little bit of yellow on bottom. Out of an EE hen & mixed roo. Can't wait to see more!
Pine straw? I know straw, which I don't like as it always molds in my humid Oregon...but what is pine straw?

Fisherlady suggested sand in a tray, and I might try that, with pine shavings over it....my problem is hay or shavings over the wood...you get broken cracked eggs when they thunk.

I had a nesting insert, but alas little chicks would tumble out and get stranded the first day or so causing issues, and then this silly hen wouldn't use it so I took it out.

The wood gets filthy, making hard to keep clean, so I like cleaning it then covering with the feed bag liner...I think I may go to the boot tray with sand as the sand might hold it down well enough...or I will build up the box again and let the occasional chick fall where he may.

Do you use pine straw on hard wood? Do you have a photo of your nest box itself?

Thanks for your input!

Oh I hope them other 2 eggs hatch soon. I'll try that suggestion thank you. Any ideas about how many eggs this hen can sit on?
I've got a keet! Just one that I've seen so far, and there might be more, but I think a lot of the eggs were late quitters so we will see. I know there were at least three with definite life when I last candled. Tomorrow, I'll take a closer look and see how many we have, I just didn't want to disturb anything too much during hatching. The little one I did see was a buff dundotte :love
Thank you! But 4 eggs isn't enough as the fertility rate of my chickens isn't so great. Any suggestions on what I should do?
Moali99 If you have not got it figured out yet-----Here is what I would suggest now and in the future---ALWAYS collect your eggs DAILY from EVERY NEST including a nest that has a hen sitting in it. Then if you have a hen that is staying on the nest/wanting to be broody-----if you want her to hatch---start collecting eggs for her----fresh, fertile eggs---when you get the amount you want to use---mark them clearly----I use a pencil and make several passes around the egg towards the pointy end----seems to stay on there longer----place the eggs under her, making sure there are none already under her. Every day You will have to tilt her enough to see the eggs and remove any fresh layed, un-marked egg---EVERY DAY. I Move All Mine to a private place----so I do not have to do this daily and so she can be alone---thats your call. Good Luck!!

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