Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I just love when they pop out of mom's wing like this :)

Hannah, In "my" opinion you should never lift, tilt or bother your broody the last 2/3 days (19/20/21). Im "My" opinion again--You should not offer feed or water where she can get to it without getting off the nest----doing that can and will cause her to poop in the nest which can cause messy chicks, etc. I set MANY broody hens---when its close to hatch---I never know if the eggs are pipped etc because I do not bother her in anyway. She will usually come off the nest on day 22/23-----if she did not I would then look under her to see whats going on---but I have not had to do that with almost 40 broody hens last year----about 10 so far this year.

Also make sure when you are counting the days-----the day you put the eggs under her is day 0----the next day at the same time she was set is day 1. Good Luck!

I was counting wrong! so far i have counted 4 fluffy chicks, and all seems well.
After 2 years of failed attempts at hatching and brooding chicks with a broody hen, it finally happened! My 10 month old olive egger (appears to be a marans / ameraucana mix) successfully hatched out 6 of 6 fertile eggs on Day 20. She was a very faithful broody, and so far has been a good mother. I separated her from the flock for the incubation and hatching period, setting her up in a dog house within a 6 x 10' chain-link dog kennel covered in chicken wire. The challenge now is to figure out how and when to re-integrate her with the flock which consists of 9 laying hens. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Yay! Congrats! I know this is late, but it you can set up or get some kind of play pen to allow momma and chicks to explore safely, that would be best for a few days. I just did this with some 3-4 week old chicks. After a few days, I put four props under the side to lift it off the ground slightly. The chicks soon realized that they could go out and play. They could also run back underneath if any of the big girls were mean.
my FBCM sat on 11 eggs 5 frizzle bantams and 6 SLW mixes 8 made it to lock down (4 of each) and all are now happy and warm under mamma (Cali is my momma and she has been so good lets me look as much as I like but keeps everything else away she even chase out my 90 lb lab mix that was a hoot lol)
I just love when they pop out of mom's wing like this :)
So what do you get when you have only 2 nest boxes and 8 chickens? Two broodys of course! Haha! I was raising some chicks for a friend and broody #1 must have heard their peeps and went broody a week later. :rolleyes: Got her some fertile eggs, and about two weeks later, her sister (identical from the same clutch) decides to go broody too. :lol: Broody #1 is previously successful mama, but I'm not sure about #2. I did pick up some eggs for her too, of course, since I don't have a Roo.

Hoping broody #2 sticks to it, even when her sister hatches out (hopefully). :fl. Tomorrow is day #20 for broody number #1. Hoping to hear peeps on Saturday!! So glad I don't have to work!
one of my other hens got one of the babes today I think. one of them must have nocked the brick off the do to the play pen/ broody box and momma and the babies when out cane home and half the babies were out of the box and one was missing no sign of blood or anything just gone makes me sad they might do that
When I came home from work, I found my broodys switched. The new broody was on the soon to hatch eggs. I pulled her off to switch them and saw two chicks that were hatching "early". One looked like it was mostly out but was squished and dead. :( The other looked like it still had membrane and half the egg shell on it. I heard no peeps, but just put the real broody mama back on and am hoping for the best. I'm pretty sure the second is dead too. She still has four eggs under her, but I was told some of them were older (when collected originally) and may not be good. I had already tossed two clears the other day.

I hope she has at least one live chick tomorrow or Saturday. :fl I am setting my alarm to wake up early to let the rest of the girls out to leave her in peace.
Yes they did! Got 8 babies out of the 10. My broody may have been sitting on a small handful before I fully realized she was in broody-mode. 2 hatched out at (my) Day 20. 5 more came out Day 21 & 22. And then she refused to sit on the rest - of those 3, I could hear a bit of peeping in 1 and kinda forced her to sit again. So one little slow-poke came out the next morning, but she had already pushed the other 2 away. Did egg-topsy them, and one had pipped but was shrink-wrap pretty bad, while the other looked it had quit early in development. In hind-sight, should have started the incubator, but c'est la vie!

Here's a pic of 1st baby - 3 EEs and 5 Welsummers total. This one is her's. Black all over with two brown spots on his head like a horizontal 8 - acts like a roo! Always jumping on her back and seeing how long he can play "King-of-the-Mountain". However I've got a rat in the hen house. Just lost 1 sometime this evening - a girl Wellie. Entire brooder pen was mess with waterer turned over, and all the babies hiding under mama. Makes me sick to my stomach. So they're totally locked closed up.

Maybe it's too HOT under the heat lamp for your Homicidal Mama? Not sure where you're at, but I'm only turning mine on just for light. My Mama is giving off plenty of her own body heat.
When I came home from work, I found my broodys switched. The new broody was on the soon to hatch eggs. I pulled her off to switch them and saw two chicks that were hatching "early". One looked like it was mostly out but was squished and dead.
The other looked like it still had membrane and half the egg shell on it. I heard no peeps, but just put the real broody mama back on and am hoping for the best. I'm pretty sure the second is dead too. She still has four eggs under her, but I was told some of them were older (when collected originally) and may not be good. I had already tossed two clears the other day.

I hope she has at least one live chick tomorrow or Saturday.
I am setting my alarm to wake up early to let the rest of the girls out to leave her in peace.
I wish you the best----Hope you can get some babies. This is the main reason I move All My Broodies. I move each one to a private pen. I had so many problems before I started moving them. Good Luck!!
I wish you the best----Hope you can get some babies. This is the main reason I move All My Broodies. I move each one to a private pen. I had so many problems before I started moving them. Good Luck!!

Thanks. I did try to move her but she wouldn't have it. My problem was I had only planned for 4-5 chickens. I have 8 now and my coop really should be bigger, and have a couple extra nesting boxes.... :oops:

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