Old wives' tales...

mmaddie's mom

9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
Elmwood, Illinois, USA
...or old husbands' tales, too.

Lately I've read several old wives' tales (about chickens, eggs, etc.) here on BYC. Do you have any? Do they work? Do you have a theory why? Who told you?

My fellow Chicken Lady friend says she can tell males from females by passing her hand over one day old chicks (she says it only works on new babies)... hens duck down but roos still stand tall... hens hiding from flying predators?... roos on alert and ready to protect?

That's mine... let's hear yours!
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I heard one time that you can supposedly affect the sex of your fertile eggs by changing the temp on your 'bator. more heat produces more roos, while with less, you get pullets. obviously that does not work
im sure many people here on BYC have heard about the one where pointy eggs give you cockerels while rounded ones give you pullets. that too is 100% myth
I personally believe there is nooo way to tell what sex a chick is while in its egg.
I dont even know how to tell it until they get their feathers.
But some people may know how! I am still learning!
Yes with certain reptiles you can produces more males or females with control of the temp. I know lepoard geckos are one of those. If it did work for chicken eggs wouldn't that be great. Although it would shoot prices through the roof for Roos.
I use the needle on a thread to sex mine and so far its been right for eggs or chicks, take a needle on a thread and hold it over the chick if it goes in a circle its a hen if in a straight line its a roo

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