Older Babies, Newer Babies, and Dinner.


7 Years
Sep 25, 2012
Canton, Ohio
So when I started this chicken project I wanted three coops with runs. One for standards, one for bantams, and one for the friendlier hens so I wouldn't have to worry too much when letting the kids help. That idea went out the window when we had a coyote visit. Those things haven't been around here for 20 years! Now I have to fence the entire back yard, (instead of just one the one side that was only to block an annoying neighbor), and I won't be able to afford three runs.

So I have decided to let the chickens have run of the back yard, moved all of the kids' stuff to the side yard, and realized I ordered my birds in the wrong order. The standards are 10ish weeks old and the bantams are 2 days. I wish I had ordered the bantams first so that the standards would have been the younger birds. I think it might have been easier to add younger, larger chickens to a flock of older, smaller ones. I'm sure we will figure it out, but hindsight and all that...

On a different note, I swore I would never name my chickens. They all get called "pretty girl" or "big boy" and that's it. I named one today. It's the biggest of the Dominique roosters and he had been one of my favorites since he was a couple of days old. His name is "Dinner." While the other roosters were busy running off a kitten who has decided to be an avid hunter Dinner was drop kicking hens away from the treat bucket. I watched him do this repeatedly. Eventually he got a nudge from me every time he did it, but Dinner persisted in his bad boy behavior. His days are now numbered. I'm trying to wait until he is a little bigger, but if he gets much worse I will just save him for a night when it's just me and the hubby here for dinner!
In case dinner gets on your last nerve. I found this method on here and it works great when you only have a few birds. I especially liked it for the "skinny" roos.


What breeds are you getting? I have had no problems introducing any of my birds big or small (and ducks) until I got a few production reds...they were nasty little buggers so they became "dinners" too.
The new bantams are Welsumers and Mottled Cochins. They may do all right when they finally get moved out. They don't seems to be anywhere near as scared as the standards were. I am probably worrying for nothing. Thanks for the link. I'm sure Dinner will make me try my hand at butchering sooner than I had planned. Oh we'll, gotta get the experience sometime!

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