Older hen being bullied


11 Years
Jun 1, 2013
West Virginia
I have a flock of eight Buff Orpingtons. They range in age from four are about 30 weeks, one is 5 1/2 years, two are 2 1/2 years and one old gal who is 9 1/2. One of my 2 1/2 year olds is jumping on my old gal and pecking her comb. Drawing blood. The most recent episode she really injured Buffy’s ( my old gal) comb. I have had to crate her until it recovers. The one who jumped Buffy is going through a hard molt. This happened one time before in the spring and I monitored it closely, spraying the younger hen with water whenever it occurred. Seemed to take care of the problem and things have been peaceful for months. Now it’s happening again and I am worried that she might kill Buffy. Buffy although old, is very healthy and does not have an issue that would make her seem weaker except that she is slower. I am not sure whether to put the younger hen in chicken jail because of the hard moot. Any suggestions??
I'd remove the trouble maker from the flock for a couple of weeks and return 'Buffy' immediately so that she does not have to fight for her position in the flock.
I have read several ways of doing this. Should I put her in the crate in the run where she can still see the others or put her in the basement completely away? And for how long in your experience? Buffy is right now in a crate within the coop where she can still see the others while her comb heals. This is her second day of healing while being separated from the others. Bummer! Here’s the back story: we had taken a vacation to Maine while our grown boys watched the flock. All was completely fine until about an hour before we returned home. Then within half hour of being home I had one in a hospital crate. Grrrr.
I have read several ways of doing this. Should I put her in the crate in the run where she can still see the others or put her in the basement completely away? And for how long in your experience? Buffy is right now in a crate within the coop where she can still see the others while her comb heals. This is her second day of healing while being separated from the others. Bummer! Here’s the back story: we had taken a vacation to Maine while our grown boys watched the flock. All was completely fine until about an hour before we returned home. Then within half hour of being home I had one in a hospital crate. Grrrr.

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