Older People and Their Stories


8 Years
Jan 13, 2012
Benton, KY
Hello Everyone,

After reading a thread that poked fun and frustration with older people, I want to start a thread for people to post stories showing humorous and precious stories we have learned from others. Please avoid being mean and judgmental with the stories and share stories that you would find either precious or humorous. I will start with a story my Dad told me when I was growing up. I shared this story on the other website and have brought it over to this one.

"The older I get, the more precious my Dad's stories become. He grew up in a very poor family of 9 children and he was the oldest boy. When he was young the old people were from the 1850's and up. He knew former slaves and civil war veterans, and he remembers some of the stories they would tell.

One of my favorite stories comes from the depression era in western KY, and people were poor and food was scarce at times. It seems a neighbor man died while field dressing a rabbit. When he was found dead with the half dressed rabbit, people assumed the rabbit was the cause of death. Even though people in the area were hungry...nobody would risk dying of rabbit fever. All the deer in the area disappeared, but rabbits remained plentiful and untouched".

I should have stated the man most likely died of a massive heart attack. But people swore up and down it was Rabbit Fever.
I am older than the hills, and I have been told to shut so many times.

I have a story about my grandma. She was born in 1875, a real Victorian lady. She never really got to grips with modern technology and thought the television was amazing. When my uncle bought her one for the first time he told her, 'Here mother, this is your own window on the world.' Poor grandma was well in her eighties and I think the only thing she retained from that conversation was that the screen was somehow a window. She was hilarious! She talked back to the people on TV. Always insisted on looking her best as she sat in front of it, absolutely convinced that they could see her! Once, when I was little, she saw two men wrestling on the TV and told me to 'Go and fetch a policeman at once! There is a man here fighting with another!' A wonderful lady who retained her standards of behaviour till the end!
I have a story about my grandma. She was born in 1875, a real Victorian lady. She never really got to grips with modern technology and thought the television was amazing. When my uncle bought her one for the first time he told her, 'Here mother, this is your own window on the world.' Poor grandma was well in her eighties and I think the only thing she retained from that conversation was that the screen was somehow a window. She was hilarious! She talked back to the people on TV. Always insisted on looking her best as she sat in front of it, absolutely convinced that they could see her! Once, when I was little, she saw two men wrestling on the TV and told me to 'Go and fetch a policeman at once! There is a man here fighting with another!' A wonderful lady who retained her standards of behaviour till the end!

Bless her heart!
I always enjoy hearing stories from the older generation... much to be learned. I had a couple last week come to buy some Pet Q Silkies from me, came a good distance. Some of the nicest people you could meet and really enjoyed their animals. You would have thought the Silkies were prize winning pairs that laid gold eggs from how much she adored them, so I gave her another pair. Got a hug and now were family..... hehe She emails me how their doing.

Had a .... ummm... cutely challenged Partridge Showgirl rooster named Fuggly. I kept him around hoping to find him the right home one day as he was sweet and would follow you around. A year later some people came to buy chickens and fell in love, I gave them him with the chickens they purchased. She emailed me and said her Grandmother loves to sit on the front porch swing with Fuggly in her lap. Can't get much better than that.
I have a story about my grandma. She was born in 1875, a real Victorian lady. She never really got to grips with modern technology and thought the television was amazing. When my uncle bought her one for the first time he told her, 'Here mother, this is your own window on the world.' Poor grandma was well in her eighties and I think the only thing she retained from that conversation was that the screen was somehow a window. She was hilarious! She talked back to the people on TV. Always insisted on looking her best as she sat in front of it, absolutely convinced that they could see her! Once, when I was little, she saw two men wrestling on the TV and told me to 'Go and fetch a policeman at once! There is a man here fighting with another!' A wonderful lady who retained her standards of behaviour till the end!

Awww, thats a sweet story.. :)
I always enjoy hearing stories from the older generation... much to be learned. I had a couple last week come to buy some Pet Q Silkies from me, came a good distance. Some of the nicest people you could meet and really enjoyed their animals. You would have thought the Silkies were prize winning pairs that laid gold eggs from how much she adored them, so I gave her another pair. Got a hug and now were family..... hehe She emails me how their doing.

Had a .... ummm... cutely challenged Partridge Showgirl rooster named Fuggly. I  kept him around hoping to find him the right home one day as he was sweet and would follow you around. A year later some people came to buy chickens and fell in love, I gave them him with the chickens they purchased. She emailed me and said her Grandmother loves to sit on the front porch swing with Fuggly in her lap. Can't get much better than that.


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