Olive Egger - Isbar x BCM

Thank you for responding. Finding these guys on the West Coast is a challenge for sure. I am very, very reluctant to do the long distance mail order thing after a total disaster just recently. Oh well, my search continues. Thanks again.

I'm in Sonoma County (CA) and have hens laying eggs with this cross, but they are not hatching well -- sorry i can't help!
I bred my blue Isbar Rooster to my Black Copper Maran last fall because I was curious about egg color. The hen was a blue and just layed her first egg at 5 months this past week. I am not too impressed with the color, but it did satisfy my curiosity :) Here is a picture of the result. The darker egg above was her first egg. She layed me five eggs in five days and the last egg was the lighter one on the left.
Curious how dark is your bcms egg? Do you have a pic?
I hope this isn't poor form, but I can't help but revive this thread...so much great info and photos! :love

I raise both Silverudd's Blue and Black Copper Marans, so, of course, I crossed them - SB roos over BCM hens. 6 chicks hatched in my incubator, all unassisted. The SBxBCM hatched earlier than the pure SB and are slightly larger, but all are vigorous. I'm pleased as punch to have gotten one dark blue SB and one blue "OE" (presumptive OE, acknowledging the possibility of pullets being dark brown layers, too) along with four black OE. I think (hope!) there are four pullets, including the two blues, and two cockerels. Photo is from Christmas Day, and they're bigger now.:)




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