Olive Eggers - 18 eggs - to ship 6/14


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Sep 25, 2007
This auciton will consist of both first- and second-generation olive egger hatching eggs. The father is a Black Copper Marans, and his olive egger gals are: a "blue wheaten" colored hatchery EE - this girl lays large bluish-green eggs. She's a super cute gal. Her offspring will lay a medium olive green egg, likely like that in the auction picture. My other two gals are solid black, and are half Blue Ameraucana and half Black Copper Marans. Their eggs are medium green, and their offpsring should lay very dark olive green eggs.

There are no guarantees with shipped eggs, but I do my very best in storing & shipping appropriately so as to make sure folks have as many viable eggs to incubate as possible.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a PayPal only auction. Payment is due by 10 a.m. Eastern on Tuesday, 6/14. Eggs will ship out by noon on 6/14.
I bought several dozens eggs from Wynette and not even single egg was broken.
Fertility was excellent too!
Awe...thanks for the comments, ChickFila and Happy Chooks!

I am caught up on olive egger orders, but for some reason, I just can't put these eggies in cartons for my eating egg customers! I keep saving them and saving them....
If I had a broody, I'd be all over them!
awe, that's sweet, but if you don't need them, no worries! I'll just scramble them up for a treat for my gals.
I'm sorry, but no, I do not ship chicks. As far as HATCHING them, though - yep, I'm pretty good at that! HA! (actually, a bit "too" good....I need another barn!)

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