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very very sad for BOTH parties be devastated if a dog got in and killed my chickens but i'd also be devasted if i lost my dog had he gotten out of my yard (my dog used to dig out of the yard.)
I am just coming in on this thread and admit I did not read past this post I am quoting...but here is my 2 cents worth for what it is worth.

First and foremost...the dog should not have been on your property.

Second...said dog should not have been inside a chain link fence killing your pets

Third, not knowing said dog, DD screaming and fighting it with a shovel says one thing..."Kill the the child"

Fourth, their response is one of someone who thinks their pet is of more value than someone elses...or at least their dog is

Fifth, the wench owes you and your DD compensation for the lost chickens, lost money for egg sales (if you sell them), any damage to the property/fence/coop etc.

and most importantly...

Your husband did the right thing...not to save the chickens but his daughter was in danger end of story...there is no telling what could have happened if that GS decided to stop her from hitting him/her... my family bred, raised and trained police GS for many many years...that dog in that mindframe was dangerous.

Thank all that is holy your DH shot the dog...while it is truly not the dog's fault, you cannot shoot the is their fault and no one else's. I can tell you had it been my dog...I would have been upset certainly but not nasty...I would have offered to compensate your daughter, help you clean up the scene and apologize to you, your DH and your DD.

I am so sorry for your loss and that your DD had to witness such a thing. She is a brave girl with a big heart. My DD would have done the same thing for her says a lot to her character and the type of woman she will be.
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And as to that statement. NO it is not! It is your RIGHT to do whatever the blue blazes you wish on your is your RIGHT to let your chickens roam around your yard.

Your obligation is to keep them on your property, keep your dog on your property and protect your birds, family and property.

Do not would have could have should have yourself. We all make mistakes but the fact is simple...that dog should not have been there...PERIOD. The blame rests with the dog owners not you.
I'm in complete agreement with Ladyhawk on this one. Your daughter could have been killed if that dog had turned on her in the frenzy it was in! Thinking of her hitting a GSD with a shovel while it was killing birds scared me so much. I would NEVER grab any dog in that type of killing spree! How they could even suggest that is beyond me.
And as to that statement. NO it is not! It is your RIGHT to do whatever the blue blazes you wish on your is your RIGHT to let your chickens roam around your yard.

Your obligation is to keep them on your property, keep your dog on your property and protect your birds, family and property.

Do not would have could have should have yourself. We all make mistakes but the fact is simple...that dog should not have been there...PERIOD. The blame rests with the dog owners not you.


Why on earth would you feel you have any blame in this? Evidently the neighbor made a mistake. You and your husband certainly did not.

It was on your property, your chickens were being killed, and your daughter could very easily have been the next victim. Quite likely would have been, without hubby's intervention, unless she got lucky with the shovel.

Does not matter one hoot whether the dog was allowed to roam the neighborhood on a daily basis, or this was an isolated error on the owners' part. Hubby was dealing with a very dangerous situation.
I am very sorry to hear about this.

I don't feel like you did anything wrong. I would have shot the dog too.
People don't seem to understand that chickens can be as much a pet as their dog and mean just as much to their owners.
I get very upset with folks who fail to consider that their dog running loose can cause serious damage to other peoples property and lots of emotional stress and loss as well!
I have to agree with almost all the post on here. your daughter could have been seriously injured or even killed. Someones GS got out a couple years ago and my mom was shocked it did not bite me or maul me when I grabbed his colar. Lady said its her guard dog and would bite anyone who would try to touch him.
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Just to give you an idea on how mean GSD's can be..... I agree with speckled hen 100%...........

I used to raise lab's, and I had one that was an exceptional tracker. I soon got her setup to train with the police department's dogs, and started attending their obedience school. I didn't have the thousands of dollars needed to pay for this, instead I was the designated chew toy while GS were trained in take downs.

Oh yeah, I was always suited up in Kevlar, but that doesn't stop the bruising from their massively strong jaws. It doesn't stop them for going for the throat and face, and had to be taught to take down on the arm preferably, or the leg.

And get more than one of these dogs together and excited? Why do you think K9 units only have 1 dog at a time? Your daughter did a very brave thing fighting off that dog.

I miss angel the Lab girl, she was one of my favorites. She introduced me to a whole new set of friends and peers.

Saying that, If she did something like that GS did to your flock and daughter, I'd shoot her myself.
One great thing about my neighbor , We agreed that if either of our dogs tried to harm an animal on the others property that it was alright to shoot it . Thankfully nothing so far .
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