On beautiful Vacation....but missing my babies


11 Years
Feb 22, 2008
Thousand Oaks, CA
OMG...I'm in New york, living it up like I used to quite frequently....all very glamorous...but I miss Ese and Gracie...I miss the little man following me around cooing "goo goo ka choo" (He is the eggman....not the walrus) My NY friends cannot comprehend and I noticed last night that the lil feathered babes were all I could talk about....needed to see there were other people as "Informed" as me as to the beauty of chickens....Thank you all for being chicken lovers

Ese n Gracies Mom.... BTW I have a proper name too... Madena
Oh, I haven't left my babies since I got them yet, but I think I would feel just as you do!! Don't worry, you will be back there very soon. I bet they miss you, too & will be happy to see you when you return~~for sure!!

Oh, New York! My kids have begged me for years to go there! Hope you have a wonderful time there!!
That's the thing I am having a wonderful time...I just feel strange "defending chickens" and I want that lil man crowing in my hotel room....and giving he n gracie snacks from the mini bar....I was eating trail mix and realized I was saving their favs....totally not in the real world... I couldn't call them over for a treat...I always felt bad about leaving velvet....THE extraordinary hound at home.... but man i'm having chicken dreams ALL night long...I woke up two days ago to a dream crow...then disappointed to find it was a jack hammer
...when at home its like dude!!!! be quiet already
I can't wait to spoil them again!

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