One day, will we understand these discolorations ?


12 Years
Aug 20, 2011

This peacock lives in Thailand ... in an aviary near a Temple.

People ... who do not know anything about peacocks say it's a high percentage spalding pied.
Pied or piebald .... he is !But a genetic pied ... I do not believe it!

Very high percentage spalding .... it's NO ... too!
Why ... ?
- This is happening in Thailand ... in the bush!
- To make such a high percentage spalding it's a job! ... and a long job! at least 13 years (wait for sexual maturity)! There are only a few breeders who are able to do the same job for so long!Even in the USA there is no such a high percentage spalding ! some will say ... yes they are ... the American green peacock !

A job :

2019 cross Green X IB pied = spalding 50% split pied + spalding 50% split white.
2020 nothing
2021 nothing - wait until the female is mature
2022 cross spalding split white X spalding 50% split pied = spalding 50% pied.
2023 nothing
2024 spalding 50% pied female X Green = spalding 75% split pied + spalding 75% split white.
2025 nothing
2026 nothing - wait until the female or male is mature
2027 cross spalding 75% split white X spalding 75% split pied = spalding 75% pied.
2028 nothing - wait until the female or male is mature
2029 female cross spalding 75% pied X Green = spalding 87.5% split white + spalding 87.5% split pied.
2030 nothing
2030 nothing - wait until the female or male is mature
2032 cross spalding 87.5% split white X spalding 87.5% split pied = spalding 87.5% pied.

face paon.PNG

- .... a lot of birds (35) too !
- How to make a pied so dark ... so few white feathers?

thai 1.jpg

- Some will say it's a spalding because it's blue/green!
Another camera ... and presto!


If it's not a spalding it's a Pavo muticus imperator ... with a metabolic problem?

Can be a pied progressive ... so to see again in one or two years!
Here a bird with pied progressive in India :


Hmm ! .... very ... very special !
What I notice is that the Thai Muticus has more brown feathers in the wings!
It would be the same phenomenon 'eraser' as in Silver Pied who has also no longer brown feathers.

What it can be ??

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