One Lonely Hen


In the Brooder
Oct 8, 2018
So I am still a newbie chicken mom! but unfortunately I have a few questions about caring for a now lonely bantam hen (6 months old). Pruitt (lonely hen) is now alone in the coop after losing her two friends within a month long period to raccoons :( My most recent loss (Piper) was best friends with Pruitt-- and since losing Piper on Wednesday night, I am worried she will be lonely/ traumatized/ bored to pieces. I know that chickens are social animals, so I do eventually want to get a new friend or two for her.

However!! I am just two weeks away from having to go through a pretty crazy move and don't feel comfortable taking on any more animals until I'm settled into a new place. Also, I don’t know whether to get new chick(s) or a bird of similar age when the time does come?
I have been reading through the threads and a general consensus seems to be: 1) to add mirror(s) in the coop at eye level... 2) add stuffed animal friends... and 3) spend some quality time with her.
My main worry is that too much time will pass without another hen for her…and although I know there likely isn't an exact answer for this, I was wondering: how long is “too long” to keep her alone? Any advice on this will be much appreciated! I hate seeing her so sad and lonely :(
No, she won't die of loneliness during the period of your move. She may need a bit more attention during this time, and you should limit the stress she could need to cope with during this move, but waiting until after you get settled isn't going to be the end of the world.

A mirror does help. A few years ago, I needed to segregate a disabled hen after she could no longer get around. I put an 8 x 12 inch mirror (full length for a chicken) in her space, and it did seem to comfort her as she probably felt she had another hen there with her.

When it comes to expanding the flock, baby chicks are far easier to integrate with an adult chicken than getting more adult chickens. If you brood the chicks in proximity to this hen, the chicks will grow up bonded to her, and she will have become used to them being "her" flock.
Sorry for your losses.... Poor Pruitt....

Interesting idea about the mirror. I e heard mixed things aboutmirrors, but it makes sense in the case of a lobdlg hen (so long as she doesn't get aggressive toward her reflection).

BTW - Love the names! I find them... charming. Was your third Phoebe? Or Paige by any chance? ;)

And good luck with your move! So stressful...

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