One of my girls died today; how to dispose?

What a pretty gal! You can show me all the horse pics you want. I love them. It's great to see someone actually put the time and effort into a rescue. People like to use horses as lawn art and then don't bother to take care of them. @caesargirl once they start to hit about 20 you have to backing off on riding and taking it easy. They just can't handle the added weight and don't have the stamina. It gets hard to keep weight on them too. Most horses live around 25-30 year with good care. We had a few make it to 32 but they were not looking very good by then.
Thank you!
I work hard to keep both my girls happy and healthy, and I'm glad Jade is there for the long rides while Robin and I take it easy. She doesn't act or look 20 and I'm very thankful for that, she's still getting along happily.

At the first barn I was at, the other two lesson horses lived to 32-35. They were separated when the place shut down, which caused some major issues for one especially. That was their home all their life, and they'd been buddies all their lives. They both passed last year. I wish their deaths could've been more peaceful, and at their true home, together. But they were ready. They passed within a couple weeks of each other.
Lol, I just saw your duck diaper thread! Go to the house duck thread. They can help you with that! There's also a person on that thread called sewsammi (I think her screen name is kukupecpec, maybe) she has a business of duck diapers... And outfits!!! Plus they have great stories and fabulous ducks!!!!
Hahaha okay thank you! I still feel like the awkward new kid at school here.

I did just end up letting James wander around the house with me tonight and he seemed to enjoy it more than just sitting around!
I've switched from staying cooped up in the bathroom, to letting him waddle around with me! We have all tile floors, just lots of rugs. He actually knows not to poop on the rugs, I was so proud!
And I'm sure my grandmother doesn't mind that the whole house gets mopped, one less chore for her.

He was so intrigued by my new nose ring. Another shiny thing in mamas face?! I thank my lucky stars he never tries to bite my piercings.

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