Ongoing Quilt Projects, Continued from the "No Appreciation...." Thread

Well, I went back to the sewing store and got the Dreamweaver XE (embroidery model) instead. I saw some gorgeous embroidered tops that I would love to make and wear. They made me a deal I couldn't resist to upgrade. So I came home from vacation with the machine, the sewing table, a Koala sewing chair, 110 spool set of embroidery thread, some upgrades for Lillian, ruler feet for my Juki and the new machine, fabric, notions, rulers and about 5 pounds (which I consider nothing short of miraculous give the way we ate all week).
I am glad to be home and am looking forward to happily puttering in my sewing room getting it all set up.
Geez, Cyn, when you cut yourself, you go all out, don't ya? :th

ouch. You didn't just cut yourself, you gouged a bit out. ouchy.

What do y'all think about this machine?
It's on special (they're all on special, Mother's Day makes all the machines go on special) and the price isn't as stratospheric as many. Even spending this much would be a bit foolish considering our climate and my state of vegetation, but looking anyway. (shopaholic, who, me?) The next model up is double the price.

That looks like a great machine! The 11" throat will be wonderful. At the quilt show we went to last weekend, it seemed the Janomes were very popular! I have a little one for travelling and I love it. They are a well made brand.
Well, I went back to the sewing store and got the Dreamweaver XE (embroidery model) instead. I saw some gorgeous embroidered tops that I would love to make and wear. They made me a deal I couldn't resist to upgrade. So I came home from vacation with the machine, the sewing table, a Koala sewing chair, 110 spool set of embroidery thread, some upgrades for Lillian, ruler feet for my Juki and the new machine, fabric, notions, rulers and about 5 pounds (which I consider nothing short of miraculous give the way we ate all week).
I am glad to be home and am looking forward to happily puttering in my sewing room getting it all set up.

Can't wait to see all that! Tom's back has been bad so he hasn't made any progress on my sewing table yet. Still working on that quilt, trying to get the quilting done before the weekend is over. Yeah, right.

Geez, Cyn, when you cut yourself, you go all out, don't ya? :th

Yeah, but I made up for all those years not cutting myself. It's healing, but I probably will have no feeling in this area. It feels weird, like a little dead zone, though it still hurts when I hit it on something.

Here is my temp setup until I get my custom inserts. I used the wide table with the legs folded up from my old machine (which I will be selling) and adjusted the lift so it's level. It's not perfect, but it will do. It is amazing what just a few inches lowering of the machine will do to relieve shoulder fatigue.
(Pardon the mess. I have been sewing already before tidying :lol:)

In other news, the first rent of the year was (laid) paid this morning.
A Brother Innovis QC1000. It's been a great machine. Never a problem. Brother still has the info here on their site, even though they don't sell them anymore.

I saw one on Ebay for $550 plus they wanted almost $100 for shipping. What is the throat space on that? I'm still looking for it. Folks seem to really like theirs. Brother really makes great machines. I think Berninas are way overpriced, from what I can see. Rather have a Brother, even a Juki or Janome than a Bernina.

Oh, found this, too, which said it's an "8" free arm machine", but that isn't the throat space, is it? :
Once I made a twin size quilt with retail priced, high quality fabrics and batting. Then I quilted it with stippling on my home machine. Someone offered me $50 for it... Since then I've been shy of pricing things to people. They don't realize the time, effort and work that goes into these projects, let alone the costs we incur. Sometimes it seems the only ones who appreciate our crafts are the other's who participate in the same craft because they feel our pain.

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