Ongoing Quilt Projects, Continued from the "No Appreciation...." Thread

Okay, now I'll show you the quilt so far. I'm heading for close to king size, which I plan to quilt when my husband finishes my table. The next round on this is what I'd love some input on. I was thinking 12" blocks around, possibly (this is 48" square now, so would actually end as 47 1/2", have to fudge on the 12" blocks a tad, I guess). Since the border is sort of "motion-y" and the dark blue fabric undulates, maybe a block that has implied motion would be good. Or I could ditch the 12" block idea and do something different. I also thought of log cabin blocks that had distinct light and dark sides so I could then make them look like half square triangles all the way around, like star points, if you get what I'm saying.

Here is the project so far. I took the central idea from a small quilt/wallhanging I saw online, but then, I changed it up and made it my own. I have zero of the dark blue mottled fabric left, used almost every single thread of that yard. I have little of the golds left, but I do have other fabrics to use. The green and the focus floral fabric I have a decent amount of left over, plus the light blue in the card tricks blocks, too (those were made without any triangles). I see things I should have done differently, but overall, I like it so far.

oh, oh, oh, I think I found the perfect next border treatment! I've only seen it used as a table runner, probably because it's a rectangle and the corners would be weird. If I can figure out the corners, maybe half square triangles in each corner with the proper colors, this may be a very cool border. What do you think? It's called pole twist or twisted pole, depending on where you find it. I printed it and did a cut out to test what to do in the corners.
Here is one someone did:

My paper cutout test. The block is easy peasy, but the corners take a bit of thought. So far, I have not found it used as a border, but surely someone besides me has thought of it. Of course, the colors would be my quilt colors.
Okay, I have two choices. One makes me have to do a 12" block on each corner of some type, but it allows me to make the center diamond go the opposite way of the light blue print diamond in the last border, creating more motion. The other choice has the new border blocks butting their 8" side on two sides of the quilt and their 12" side on the other two, making an instant rectangle rather than a square of the entire piece, and it keeps me from having to create a different corner block for this border, just have to make four more of the same block. Here are the choices. Which is more appealing to you?

Extending it into the corner, the diamonds go the same direction as the blue ones.

This next way, I can make the center diamonds go the opposite way, all the same on each side, keeping the square shape of the entire piece and creating more illusion of motion, but I have to do something in the corners because the block itself is 8x12.

First one! It extends the visual of the stripes and draws the eye to the center.

Makes good sense. Maybe going the opposite way with the diamonds would make you look there rather than at the center, make it too busy. And naturally making it a rectangle might help, too. I sometimes have issues with square quilts being too wide and not long enough. Thanks, T!

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