Ongoing Quilt Projects, Continued from the "No Appreciation...." Thread

I guess I'm not sure what you mean by the green blocks. This is the quilt block:
I guess I'm not sure what you mean by the green blocks. This is the quilt block: View attachment 1736871

Wow, it isn't you today, it is me! I was seeing the greens as an entire block and then the other colors as different blocks. I went back and looked again and realized I was seeing the blocks wrong. :he No wonder it wasn't making sense to you! LOL
Thanks! I figure I am getting ready for retirement in about 7 to 10 years. :lol:

My hubby’s bad cat thinks she wants to quilt or at least be sewn into it. She just hopped up and flopped down.

View attachment 1751000

Catch her tail once and she’ll probably not lounge there again. :lol:
I came across this while cleaning out a storage building and wondered if any of my friends here would like this kit? It's never been opened, guess it's a complete kit to make a pillow case called Wild Violets with candlewicking and embroidery, neither of which I do. It was something my mother had that I found when we cleaned out my late father's basement, so the lace inside may have yellowed some (OxiClean!) or maybe it's just cream colored and not white. Just speak up and I'll send it to you if you'd like to have it. I may offer it elsewhere for just postage unless someone on our thread wants it, then I'll just pop it in the mail to you.

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