Online CRAZY EGG CHAIN lets play

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Arkansas... I think you need a break, sweetie. Hatch out all those awesome eggs you've been recieving and come back with some upgraded offers :)

Current offer:

Quote: Originally Posted by minihorse927

6+ Pekin duck eggs(2 weeks)
6 grey call duck eggs
12+ hens choice between the two duck egg offers

Can also do 4SBEL and 4+EE

Yes, you had told me that you sent 26 eggs, but only actually shipped 20. The auction was 23+. It's just shady business. You seem to be at least trying, if you've changed packing methods and I see that you're listing the mixes as what they are. Most people are just leery now because not even sending the minimum is intentional. People here are willing to help others, but we're also close enough that when someone intentionally sends less eggs than they're supposed to, word gets around. I even felt bad and sent you more money than the auction was for. I guess kindness doesn't always beget kindness.
Arkansas... I think you need a break, sweetie. Hatch out all those awesome eggs you've been recieving and come back with some upgraded offers :)

Current offer:

Quote: Originally Posted by minihorse927

6+ Pekin duck eggs(2 weeks)


6 grey call duck eggs




12+ hens choice between the two duck egg offers

Can also do 4SBEL and 4+EE

I apologize for my big mouth. Mini's offer is up!
Guys I think I need a cheat sheet for abbreviations.
What is SBEL?
Super Blue Egg Layer, usually Ameraucana x Leghorn. I have one and she is a great layer of beautiful blue eggs. Very sweet bird as well :)

Correct! Thanks. Mine are sbel and a EE roo over white leghorn hens. both roosters throw blue egg gene.
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I wanted to correct myself from earlier. I do not want to cause confusion or misrepresent what I have here. I said that both roos are carrying the blue egg genes. From what I have hatched from EE over leghorn I get 50% or better blue egg layers. I get 70-75% blue egg layers from SBEL roo over white leghorn. I do know he is carrying at least one blue egg gene but I do not know for sure he is carrying two. I didn't give my response earlier as much thought as I should and I didn't want anyone to think I was purposefully misrepresenting what I have here. He is a second generation SBEL and he was from a SBEL hen (blue egg) and a white ameracauna rooster.


Back to your normal chicken math egg swapping madness!
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Also, I am hoping that if I send something to someone and they think it is packaged poorly they would let me know! I have had 2 or 3 hairline cracked eggs in all the shipping I have done. No fully demolished eggs ever that I know of other than one box that was smashed flat. The one person who ended up with the couple cracked eggs I feel bad for and I am going to send them some surprise eggs (which they know I am sending them, they just don't know what yet) to make up for them. Please, if you get something from me that you purchase or that you swap for tell me if it arrives broken or cracked. I am more than happy to replace the eggs if it was my fault. I have even replaced boxes that the PO smashed flat before! We all learn while packaging what does the best job and sometimes the PO is just to rough on them and they get cracked.


edited for spelling errors. I really need to learn to proof read my stuff!
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