Online CRAZY EGG CHAIN lets play

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Also, I am hoping that if I send something to someone and they think it is packaged poorly they would let me know! I have had 2 or 3 hairline cracked eggs in all the shipping I have done. No fully demolished eggs ever that I know of other than one box that was smashed flat. The one person who ended up with the couple cracked eggs I feel bad for and I am going to send them some surprise eggs (which they know I am sending them, they just don't know what yet) to make up for them. Please, if you get something from me that you purchase or that you swap for tell me if it arrives broken or cracked. I am more than happy to replace the eggs if it was my fault. I have even replaced boxes that the PO smashed flat before! We all learn while packaging what does the best job and sometimes the PO is just to rough on them and they get cracked.


1 of those 2 cracked eggs even hatched
It was painted with sparkly blue nail polish to seal it & is the 1st cracked egg I've ever gotten to hatch.

I have however, had boxes of smashed eggs recently that were not offered to be replaced even though the person't page says they gladly replace anything the PO damages. I know it wasn't this person's fault (no, it wasn't Arkansas81 either. Her box yesterday arrived wonderfully packed & in perfect condition) that the PO smashed the box & egg got all over the eggs that managed to avoid being smashed. I had to wash those eggs to get all of the slime off of them which allowed bacteria in, so none of the 6 eggs survived the PO's disaster. Since these were goose eggs, it was 3 swaps in 1 that got destroyed, yet I fully understand that these things happen & have not complained.

I had another box a few weeks ago that the PO LOST for 15 days (was never scanned once it was dropped at the PO or anything) & all eggs arrived rotten & scrambled. The sender offered to resend at their expense, but I told them they could just toss me in some extras the next time I claimed eggs from them if they want. I don't expect people to reship eggs damaged by the PO even though I always offer to do so myself if more than 1-2 eggs are damaged (I always try to send extras when I can to cover any possible damages) yet I rarely have any reports of broken or cracked eggs. I do get some with broken air cells sometimes though which is definitely caused by rough handling by the PO.

I have noticed several of the people on here who have complained that I myself have received eggs from only send the bare minimum of eggs they have to, send late, or pack poorly. I have no complained about any of these people. I just take that as part of the chances you take with shipped eggs & dealing with people you don't know. Not everyone packs with as much care as I do nor is as generous with extra eggs as I am. That's just part of life.
Crossing my fingers I don't hang the thread with this... still waiting on most of my pens to "clean up" so I can do a fertility test.

Mine on the SBEL
Mini: please mark the eggs with which roo so I can keep notes.


6+ Welsh Harlequin Ducks (Holderread Line)
These ducks are such sweeties, so calm and happy they don't run away from me but come to me instead (I am the food lady after all). The girls great year round layers and are giving me an egg a day - these are some of my best over-all producers! These ladies have also shown a tendency toward broodiness and I even successfully relocated a nest last year that the little miss stuck right to like glue. As they are also excellent meat birds, too many drakes is not a bad problem to have.

6+ Sex-Linked Tuxedo Dux Ships in Late May
Our Tuxedo Dux are very attractive and distinctive with their solid plumage and white bib that creates a striking tuxedo pattern. They're relatively calm, great foragers, and produce a quality roasting duck. Drakes will weigh, on average, 7 pounds with hens 6 pounds, and will lay mostly white eggs but occasionally you'll get a girl who lays blue or gray tinted eggs. Males will express with black colored down and females will be either lilac or chocolate (they do not retain this sex-linked characteristic in future generations).

Dana, I'll take another dose of Welshies. Better my odds. Would it be ok for you to ship them midweek, so they get here Fri or Sat? Those Tux Dux are very intriguing, can you tell us more about them? I've not seen them before.

Offer: 6+ Norwegian Jaerhon to ship the week of May 13.
You guys are soooooooo bad!!! I've avoided being in here for months and just thought I'd pop in and take a look.

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