Online CRAZY EGG CHAIN lets play

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Mine: Can I have 5 iris and 5 blackberry lily seedlings

Offer: 6 Black am eggs (one order ahead)
6 silver laced wyandotte eggs (two orders ahead)
6 black pied muscovy eggs (in the fall)
8 hens choice (OE, EE, Am, SLW and other asst LF brahma crosses)
6 mix of just EE or OE eggs (may include an Am egg or two)

Anything from my swap page-
I think I still have the current offer.
SWAP RULES - This list is subject to change so please check back periodically.



If eggs are from mixed colors, please note color combinations.

Minimum of 6 eggs.  If you would like to offer more, that would be fine too.

Please post a pic if you have one it will help your egg move

To qualify for accepting an offer, you need to post what you are offering in return in the same post.

When each trade is posted, please pm or email the person who offered the eggs and work out the shipping arrangements.

The person sending the eggs pays the shipping costs.

When eggs are mailed, swapper needs to send a courtesy email to the swappee to let them know that the eggs are on their way. All Egg Must me shipped with tracking #

All pure breeds of poultry are welcome in the swap. Easter Eggers are Welcome as all as they are non-standard color Ameraucanas. meaning mixed color Ameraucanas

Please offer eggs that you will have available to ship within two weeks of offering. Please send egg no older the 4 day when shipped.

If the thread stalls for 6 hours, try changing your offer if you can.

If combining different breeds, write in pencil the breed. 

Side trades are welcome but please use PMs to avoid confusion.

DESCLAMER: BYC IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS SWAP. BYC is not responsible for egg sent, received or not received. Please do not pm the mod about your eggs. PM me. If you do not receive your egg I can not make them send them but will make sure they do not play anymore. Please remember the Crazy Egg Train and shipping eggs are a gamble.
I guess it's all in how you read it. It does not say they have to be blue egg laying EE. Just going off what the first post says.

By definition, Ameraucanas have to lay blue eggs. Breeding two colors and getting random colored offspring would still have to lay blue eggs even though they are mixed color Ameraucanas. That's what confuses me.
Quote: By definition, Ameraucanas have to lay blue eggs. Breeding two colors and getting random colored offspring would still have to lay blue eggs even though they are mixed color Ameraucanas. That's what confuses me.
The problem here comes from hatchery stock EE who have been crossed with brown layers & throw odd colors sometimes. They are still EE, but may not always produce a perfectly blue egg.
EE are any Ameraucana mix that does not stand to accepted colors and not all pure Ameraucana lay perfect blue eggs EE are not pure and by rules acceptable as a second offer :)
Originally Posted by rbaker0345

Mine: Can I have 5 iris and 5 blackberry lily seedlings

Offer: 6 Black am eggs (one order ahead)
6 silver laced wyandotte eggs (two orders ahead)
6 black pied muscovy eggs (in the fall)
8 hens choice (OE, EE, Am, SLW and other asst LF brahma crosses)
6 mix of just EE or OE eggs (may include an Am egg or two)

Anything from my swap page-
I think I still have the current offer.
Originally Posted by rbaker0345

Mine: Can I have 5 iris and 5 blackberry lily seedlings

Offer: 6 Black am eggs (one order ahead)
6 silver laced wyandotte eggs (two orders ahead)
6 black pied muscovy eggs (in the fall)
8 hens choice (OE, EE, Am, SLW and other asst LF brahma crosses)
6 mix of just EE or OE eggs (may include an Am egg or two)

Anything from my swap page-
I think I still have the current offer.
Someone save me from myself and claim these
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