Online CRAZY EGG CHAIN lets play

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So when you say "purebred" you're talking about the breed of chicken and not the egg color, right? So a purebred would be Maran + Maran and not Maran + Welsummer?
Ok, thank you.
Originally Posted by rbaker0345

Mine: Can I have 5 iris and 5 blackberry lily seedlings

Offer: 6 Black am eggs (one order ahead)
6 silver laced wyandotte eggs (two orders ahead)
6 black pied muscovy eggs (in the fall)
8 hens choice (OE, EE, Am, SLW and other asst LF brahma crosses)
6 mix of just EE or OE eggs (may include an Am egg or two)

Anything from my swap page-
I think I still have the current offer.

Tempting, but I don't have anything pure bred right now unless EE count as purebred.
Tempting, but I don't have anything pure bred right now unless EE count as purebred.

Yes, it is on the rules on the first page.
SWAP RULES - This list is subject to change so please check back periodically.


All pure breeds of poultry are welcome in the swap. Easter Eggers are Welcome as all as they are non-standard color Ameraucanas. meaning mixed color Ameraucanas
The swap is still up. Sorry, I had forgotten that I had an offer up.

I will have to revise as I am selling my wyandottes on Sunday.

I can offer:

1. 6 ameraucana eggs (I have black split to lav and lav's laying now)
2. 6 silkie eggs (I have a birchen roo over a buff hen, not sure what colors I will get)
3. 8 hens choice (this would be a mix of the above plus some EE's, OE's and some general mutts
4. 6 muscovy eggs- the girls are young and laying in fits and starts, so these may take a week or so before I get enough laid close together enough to be viable for shipping and hatching, but I will send them to you and i will not forget.
Does anyone know how to get a hold of CloverRun? I claimed one of her swaps almost 7 months ago and still have not received the eggs =( She quit replying/responding to me back in July and I know she has been on this site in September. I am just really frustrated because she will not respond.
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