Online CRAZY EGG CHAIN lets play

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Here's a couple pics of this years babies growing out...they were 9 weeks in these 2 pics.



yotetrapper I got them from a breeder in Kansas. I'm not sure of the lines, but I am very happy with them. My roo has a 5 point comb, and I am working on introducing some new blood in this Fall. I have eggs from a great line on the way this week!!!
These aren't hatchery Del's.
Yes. My roo is pushing 9 pounds even though he is a bit short for the breed. The girls are all around 6 lbs. and laying an egg a day since November like clockwork. I have been getting more girl's hatch out than boys! I was hoping to grow out some roo's this year to try them as meat birds...but I really am not getting enough! I have several folks wanting these that I do have for breeding for sex linked chicks here locally. Out of this year's hatches I have gotten 5-7 boys and 20-22 girls..LOL! A couple are still iffy... Go figure as soon as I decided they would be for meat they don't have boys...maybe the hens heard me and decided to just have girl's this year
ok, trying to not get these guys as I sure dont need another breed of lets see if anyone else wants them.......and if not.........well....maybe. LOL.
Aw ya know ya want em!! I have one that hatched alone, she's 14 weeks now...sweetest little girl...rides my foot while I feed the others and then I ave to pick her up and snuggle her for a few minutes before she wants down to eat. She was my blackout baby..only egg out of 24 to hatch. Then when she was in the brooder we survived the ice storm together in front of the kerosene heater along with the next hatch of 15. She mothered those 2 day old chicks the entire time!! She was only 3 weeks old then herself. They grow on you!! Before you can even blink!! We named her Peeper the
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