Online CRAZY EGG CHAIN lets play

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Okay nobody wants the RIR eggs. I can do 6 plus Buff Orpingtons but it will be a week before I can fill the order due to already having a short list already. Here is a picture of some of them. So I can do either 6 plus RIR or 6 plus Buff Orpingtons. or I can do a few of each.


This is some of the chicks from the buff orpingtons I have. There are a couple of RIRs mixed into the picture.
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Where is everyone. These are some nice eggs and the birds are nice also. I have chicks from both of these and fertility has been right at 98% now. I have even shown pictures of the chicks. The only other thing I have that fertility has been checked on is Barred Rocks and I will offer that in about 3 hours. They will still need a week maybe 15 days as I have a lot sold already.
The offer right now is 6 plus RIR or 6 Plus Buff Orpingtons. I can also do a mix of theses 2 eggs.
I will take the Buffs and offer the BLRW
to ship the first week in JUNE if I can sooner I will.
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I offer 6+ Golden Laced Cochins Standard
I'm about to go up and get a bunch of golden laced hens,a silver laced, a blue, 2 whites and 2 blacks all hens WHoooo. plus my pair I have already are going to the show this weekend. So I would also be able to ship out in two weeks a least.

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