Online CRAZY EGG CHAIN lets play

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mopargal1972 honey don't worry about it you had know way of knowing. I had eggs I had bid on and had heard nothing from the people and their daughter had been in an accident. I know how you feel but there was no way we could have known. We all are doing fine the familes had closure with Wilber being found and he is now with the Lord showing everyone there in Heaven how to Crab and fish. Think nothing of it and you are a very nice person. Love ya lots, dave27889
Dave, I am sorry to hear about your loss, and I know how you feel. All I can say is that he had a long life and it sounds like he went to god doing what he loved.
these is the current offer

I am sorry to hear about Dave, lets go here and talk so we can keep up the the offer

and Dave well all love you
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Okay people I don't have anything else laying except what I have posted. It's 100 degrees here today and will be hot the next several days. What go I need to do to move the chain onward? I do have a friend that I can get 6 Black Copper Maran eggs from but I don't have pictures of his birds but I do have birds from him. They are from Bev Davis line and I can get them out on Monday or Tuesday. That is the best I can do for now.
So my offer is this: 6 plus RIRs, Buff orpingtons, Barred Rocks Easter Eggers laying blue eggs or 6 Black Copper Marans. Hope that helps and thanks for all the condolences.
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