Online CRAZY EGG CHAIN lets play

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Ok I will take the 50/50 and goose and offer pekin,dominique or 3 maybe 4 mixed turkey (Mixed royal palm x bronze breasted)
Dahhhh !!! I meant the 28th of April !!! Early April Fools day joke??? LOL

Anyway I sent you the email and you replied, Changed to next week sent to my friend. Thanks so much!!!
Pidgey104 I got your email. Will ship out the showgirls next Monday !!!
I've gotta stay off of here, I'm getting way to addicted to hatching !!!
I'm waiting to get all the eggs that are owed to me still. It's hard not to keep taking offers but at this rate, i'm sending out mine but not getting the others in return. With my luck they will all show up at once and I'll have to take lessons from my broody's. I need to go back and check the posts. I think I'm suppose to get some silkies. I need to get some new blood in my flock now. Get ready for the winter hatching so I can pick out what I want to improve what I want to improve.
Me too!!! People need to remember the old adage "don't count your chicks before they're hatched" or in this case, "don't count on your eggs before they're laid." It's fun to play here, but ya can't use your hens like credit cards. They are more like debit cards. You gotta have the eggs in hand to play. Never know when they'll shut down the machinery. :0(

Waiting over 3 weeks on some. On the up side... I've gotten some great eggs from folks here. Great way to build your flock.
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this spring has been the weirdest one for eggs for me... my hens keep starting and stopping because of the crazy weather... had one really bad thunderstorm got a few the next morning and then did not get any eggs for a week afterword's... i guess it scared them out of laying lol... i took me a month to get one order out
so now im trying to have the eggs layed and ready to go before i swap lol... i fig-yer as fast as this moves that is better... so im just
waiting for something i want... in between working and chores lol...
Mine are the same Heritage.. girls were laying steady then all this cold wet weather. Egg output has been 50% this week. I am caught up on all my swaps with scheduled meeting on Monday to give out my Speckled Sussex in person. We are both lucky that we live close to avoid the mean postal service. I need to stop looking at this thread since my incubators are about full... well at least until April 4th..

When it's moving fast it doesn't matter if they're already collected. But back in the winter sometimes it would go for days, and who wants eggs that are already old when they are sent? I always liked collecting after they are taken, but with the starting and stopping of laying, it makes it rough.
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