Online CRAZY EGG CHAIN lets play

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Reporting them won't do any good, BYC mods won't get involved in side trades. You might even get the thread locked/banned. You need to just contact the people that owe you and hope they make good on their trades. They should not be trading if they owe eggs, so you need to contact the thread starter with your problem.
Current offfer...

Thanks for all the advise. Funny how people who don't
owe me eggs are the ones pming me to see if they do. lol
Love you honest people out there.
I'd jump at them but all I have are: a mutt roo over a red EE hen, a mutt hen, 2 broody hens, a pair of Pearl Guineas, and 3 mutt drakes with a crested duck. So until my pb grow up (or even hatch) I'll just need to lurk and dream.

Rowley, Ia
Dreaming of SQ Langshan, SQ Speckled Sussex, Polish, and Jersey Giants
Come on someone take these I promised I was done but it's hard not to take these must resist

Yeah, I am resisting too. I have speckled Sussex coming in the mail as well as bcm. I don't want to hog everything. But my new incubator is in the truck, it will be up and running soon, holds 266 eggs! With turners !
I shall throw myself on the incubator sword.. take one for the and take the Blue/Black Copper Marans

I can offer my usual - 6+ Speckled Sussex, RIR, Buff Orpingtons.. or hummm some Barred Rocks..

What is your humidity level? They hatch on day 28. Have you previously candled them? Are you sure they were growing? Don't open the incubator!
All right, were did the persons post go?
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Can I use sizzle eggs to swap with? I usually use silkie but all mine are broody. I get an ocassional egg now and then but the snake that sneeks in steals them.
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