Online CRAZY EGG CHAIN lets play

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Okay, I'll bite. I'll take a combo of anything Dominicker wants to send and offer your choice of 12+ Button or Coturnix Quail eggs or 6+ duck eggs.

None of my chicken breeders are laying worth a rat's patootie right now, but I could also offer a combo of 6+ F1 BSL (BCM roos w/ BR hens) and EE eggs. It would be a mix, 4-5 BSL and 2-3 EE eggs. The EE eggs are light blue.
I want, I want, I want!! But I can't play till the hens start laying.
So I will watch and watch and
Mr.Silkie :

Hey a friend picked them up for me yesterday. They will be fresh when you get them!

Did he pick up the eggs or the parent birds? I am just trying to find out if they are out of hatchery or private breeder stock.​
Hey a friend picked them up for me yesterday. They will be fresh when you get them!

Did he pick up the eggs or the parent birds? I am just trying to find out if they are out of hatchery or private breeder stock.

I am pretty sure that they are non hatchery but am not positive and there is no way to find out.
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