Online CRAZY EGG CHAIN lets play

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Okay, Picasa failed me.

Now I'm going to try to post them on Tumblr. Tell me if this works:

The mille fleurs have gone on strike for better laying weather I think. It's been very rainy and cloudy and dank, and from almost 20 hens I got ZERO eggs today.
Okay you know what I'm sorry that my hen lays almost every day and I only get one egg from her if I'm that lucky I do have another d'uccle hen she's a porcelain but she's not laying. I don't know what to do and I've gotten three eggs from her so far and I promised 6 eggs. I guess I shouldn't have made a promise that I can't keep. I don't have any extra money laying around to get 6 pure eggs from a breeder or hatchery. So can you please make sure that I cant do this anymore thanks.
Try working something out with the person that excepted your offer. Perhaps if you have some other type of eggs to offer along with a few of the promised eggs.

If you received the eggs you excepted then you got your swap but are leaving the person that took your offer with nothing. At least offer to reimburse them for the cost of shipping the eggs that they will or have shipped.
If you only have one hen laying it isn't a good idea to swap, since you can only get one egg a day, and she will likely skip a day at least once a week. Plus one egg a day, even if you get an egg every day for six days means that the oldest egg is at least 6 days old which isn't good. Anyway, hopefully you and your swap partner can work it out.
well ive gotten some eggs from a friend that she collected at 9-29 and they are viable so . And I was told that eggs can last up to two weeks. If not then I owe RadicalHick some new eggs. Not a problem. once again I cant help her laying .
well okay Ill get some eggs from Meyer hatchery for RadicalHick. There problem solved. The soonest I could is the 18th and have them shipped to RadicalHick
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