Online CRAZY EGG CHAIN lets play

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I don't ever send any eggs that are over 4 days old, since they have to be sent through the mail and that adds days to it plus I don't believe they hold up to shipping as well if they are much older than that. Glad you got it worked out.
I don't either. 4 days max on the oldest egg or eggs. For incubating here at home i'll hold them back as long as a week. If I don't sell or swap the eggs so they'll be shipped on the 4th day they go in my bator. I just can't throw perfectly good fertile eggs away.

Whats the current offer?
The current offer is a mixed lot of 6 pure eggs - choices are: 2 each of OEG bantam (pen of crele/splash), mottled cochin bantam, mille fleur d'Uccle, and/or standard Easter Eggers.

My largest pen is the mille fleurs, and during the summer I was getting 8 to 10 eggs a day from them, but they have recently gone on strike and have gone several days between giving me one measly egg recently. They are all reasonably young (1 to 3 years old) so I assume this is a passing seasonal or weather thing. However, I've been searching their nest boxes in vain this week. Either they've found a new hidey hole to lay in or their just not laying much this month.
Folks, there is good news and bad news.

Good news:
My mille fleurs have begun to lay again, though only an egg or two per day. And indeed, they did have a hidey hole they were laying in, but unfortunately, it was a wet spot and not a good place to store eggs. I've filled that in, so they can no longer lay wet eggs. Almost all of my chickens have started laying more. My mixed pen went from a few eggs a day to nearly a dozen a day in the last week. Either the rain or molt or whatever was affecting them seems to be ending, so that's a good thing.

Bad news:
I never got eggs from the previous offer. The person who offered them sent me a USPS priority mail tracking number. The number is indeed listed as a package scanned in at a Montana post office 10 days ago, and then.... nothing. It never shows as being sent to a sorting center or anywhere else.

I spoke to the folks at my P.O. (no package) and at the Absarokee, MT P.O., and neither of the postal employees have ever seen this situation, where a package was scanned in and then no record after that. I contacted the shipper and told him he could contact the p.o. if he wanted to track down exactly what happened, but at this point the eggs would not really be hatching eggs. They might not even be eating eggs, depending on what happened to them.

I would like to let my OEG banties out of their breeding cage soon, since their summer shelter is not really ideal for winter.

I know this is a community thing so can y'all give me input on whether "backing up" to the last offer is okay? I would withdraw my offer, since I have gotten no eggs. I guess this means the last offer would be in effect.

If this is okay, then I will expect no eggs from the last person, and will withdraw my offer. Then I can let the OEGs go back to being part of the general population in my mixed pen, and I'll look for other offers when things pick up in the Spring.

If OTOH, 'backing up' is really rude or a bad thing to do, then I may be able to make the offer with just banty cochin and mille fleur eggs, assuming that the mille fleurs keep up their improved laying rate. In any case, I'll need to move my OEG banties soon before we get a serious cold snap.
I guess I am rather confused. I thought Herechicks posted this?

well okay Ill get some eggs from Meyer hatchery for RadicalHick. There problem solved. The soonest I could is the 18th and have them shipped to RadicalHick

So I don't understand how you could have been sent eggs if they were supposed to be sent from Meyer on the 18th?

Something just isn't right. If it backs up to Herechicks, that person doesn't have eggs and I already send mine and they were recieved so who do we back up to? I don't care if we back up, but I just want to know if the chain will end up in the same situation if it backs up or not.
If the post office lost the package that Herechick sent, it would be up to Herechick to decide if they could offer more eggs. However it is not their fault so it's tough all the way around.

The problem I see with backing up is that Becky3086 likely already sent eggs to Herechicks and backing up would mean she would have to ship eggs again. I think all the swaps say there are risks when swapping. It is never fun not to get your swap but if you don't complete your offer this swap will stall unless someone steps in a says they will offer eggs and not receive anything in exchange to get the swap rolling again.

So sorry for the problems.
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