Online CRAZY EGG CHAIN lets play

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no not that no ones interested I am very interested I've ran out of room o0 lol.. I have Mottled Houdan eggs coming in next week and then I just got some Pheasant eggs :) so all three of my incubators are full to the brim right now.....
Or no ones hens are laying right now? Something else but not not interested in those eggs... :)
I think I can squeeze in more room I have to candle anyway and see who's developing :) plus most of my eggs are tiny tiny ones :) :)

Ill take the Ameraucanas :)
and offer 6+ Light Brahmas
6+ Belgian Quail D'ANVERS
or 6+ Naked Neck X Australorp covered by my Light Brahma Rooster..........
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geez no one is interested in the wellies or amaraucanas?
getting a complex here
guess ill wait till morning then if no one claims ill retract my mine

AAC: Just give it a little time... I think everyone's cookers are full at the moment and we only have a small group playing this early. It's super fun to watch when it's poppin' but all of my 'bator's are just about full and I've seen several other comments from folks who've run outta room also. In a day or so someone will take your eggs and get the swap rolling again. It's only March
Yeah, I have eggs coming to fill my bator that hold 123 eggs at a time until 4-23! UGH! What a problem to have. te he
There is nothing wrong with your eggs, we just need new blood!
i have room in the incubators, but only one breed laying right now, and only 2 hens at that... so i can't spare too many eggs, unless it's something i REALLY want.

btw Daze, (sorry bad with names) i'm seeing signs of life already and it's only day 3. 8)
i need at LEAST 1 pullet from these guys. more if i get another roo. LOL you watch i'll get 5 roosters hatch.
thanks guys
ya i know what you done as my bators are running now and will be filled again in a week.but htis time im getting my first so excited im bursting.the second bator will be filled with all your guyses ill be done for for the time being also.
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