Online Large Fowl Chat Thread

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Yeah, back from vacation and have a new burst of energy and lots of plans. Glad those buffs are doing well for you. Have to go buy more feed tomorrow . Doing lots of quilting this summer. I sold all my adult buff Orps,but have some young birds. Next to go will be my EE and my Dark Brahmas . Planning to go on a diet before I end up like my Dad.
Ohhhhhhhhh those dark brahamas are what I have been wanting. Please PM me how much you want for them.
I feel a road trip coming on!
Sold 14 chickens, 7 chicks, and 7 turkeys at the sale today. I am looking forward to cleaning out and fixing up coops . The pigs had fun running around Chicken City today , and they came up to the gate to meet me looking for supper tonight.
Hi Deb,i have been selling off the bunch of chickens that i hatched this spring and cutting down to the one's that sell eggs on ebay good.Every thing is trying to eat my chickens this year with the drought.This morning at 9 i heard a bunch of noise and my dog barking and sent my girl out to see what the dog was barking at.It was a fox that all most got one of my best roosters.This tells me that a few week back in the daytime i came home to dead chickens laying around and one gone.I thought it was a dog attack.I have had a bad year with chickens with a lot of sickness in the first of the year and the heat.But i have added some new breeds and made improvements on the ones i have.I have done real well selling in Oklahoma chicken sales and so-so hear.I sold a bunch of odd and ends chicken today at a livestock sale at the lowest prices that i have ever sold.I think that the feed prices and heat have scared everyone off.It will be interesting to see if the chicken prices go up this fall like they do.I have joined 4 face book chicken groups that i'm on all most every night and that's why i haven't been on here much.I do see your post and enjoy your post.We closed the antique booths sales slowed down to a stop .But i'm getting a lot more done with my pen-coops and land scapeing.
Good for you, Coach. I am still trying to get the pig pen built. They got out of the pasture today and into the back yard. Luckily, they come when I call them. Had to put them back in their dog yard. Maybe I can get DH to help with the new enclosure. I am trying to find out if there is a chicken sale at Tractor Supply in Jackson tomorrow. I have lots of chickens to sell still.
Today I got the frame for the new pig shelter built . I need to paint it and then cover the sides in plywood. I didn't find out about the sale in time to get ready to go. I enjoyed looking around at the flea market today but didn't get much.
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I typed out a message last night and it disappeared. Any way, I got the section of the fence back up where it was taken down to put in the pond. Plus I fixed the coop door where the pigs got in. They sure dug up the dirt in the run, guess they were getting grubs. I was sure surprised to see the chickens out, since I quit letting them out of the coop due to the foxes. I took the pigs for a walk to the pond today, and they enjoyed it. Then after a while they found their way back to their area.
It was nice outside today, and I was glad to get some work done. Wish we would get some rain though, very dry.
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