Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

One thing for sure about this aging process, you don't get smarter. I am constantly finding things to do that aren't necessary, are often labor intensive, and yet I find myself doing them.

An example of that is the Planter Jr hand cultivator/seeder that I was given. It would have worked just as it was but since it was covered with rust and grime from sitting in the barn for the last 60 odd years I decided to completely disassemble it, clean all the rust off, and then repaint it in its original colors. Probably a stupid project and totally unnecessary for use in my garden since I already have a variety of hoes, rakes, weeders, and a small 10" rototiller.

Another example is my planning to make rose hip jam this fall. I know it is loaded with vitamin C and is very expensive to purchase. I spent some time researching it and it is another labor intensive project I find myself planning. There are rose bushes at the farm that while beautiful while blooming they are spreading like crazy. Since they haven't been maintained in years there was lots of dead stems I recently had to remove. I'm not sure what kind they are but instead of having the pronounced thorns you associate with roses, the stems on these are covered with needle sharp hairs. They also have some of the largest hips I have ever seen. So once we have a hard frost this fall I will be taking on yet another unnecessary project.


I don't think your IQ is declining ... you're using what you've learned over the years to do things you want to do and that make you feel productive. What else would you do with your time; watch reality shows on TV?? <oy!> People say I'm "old school" because I cook from scratch and keep an organic garden and chickens. Plus, I can my harvest. Ok. So, I'm old school. Shoot me. But, my food tastes much better than their microwave fare and packaged mixes, and it's healthier, too. And, instead of getting exercise out in the garden, they're glued to their iPhones while plaque builds up in their arteries. Who's less intelligent, now?
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Hi Opa.
Where's the coffee?

Chelsea you know the coffee is always on and you know where the cups are kept. Well I must go back to the shop and she if I can't get the canvas backing on the tambor doors I'm working on.
Cool. You started a thread I can talk normal on. With this overbite, I look pretty ridiculous with all the th's!
Good afternoon Opa. I am still at work, but trudging along. How is everyone?

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