Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

I've been making a version of this for a long time, now. You are right. It works well.

As a carpenter I am expected to have learned my trade before working on someone's house, yet doctors get to practice. If you meet a doctor and as what they do for a living they will reply that they practice medicine. Isn't that a scary concept?

Mema, glad to have you back and hope your health issues straighten out for you soon.

When I was in Kentucky I stayed with some very good friends of Granny's. She gave me a recipe for making a laundry detergent that she claims cleans better than anything commercially available and only costs about a penny per load. I recently make a batch and Hope tried it on some extremely greasy and oil clothes of hers and some of her sons clothes that she hadn't been able to get the grease stains out before. Much to our surprise everything came out spot less.

Laundry soap recipe

1 bar Fels Naptha soap
1 cup Super Washing Soda
1/2 cup Borax
4 cups of water.

Grate Fels Naptha into a large stock pot with water and simmer until melted. Add 1 gallon hot water, powders, and stir until dissolved. Pour into 5 gallon pail and add hot water to fill. Allow to stand overnight.

Use 1/8 cup for front load washers and 1/4 for top load.
While it's not quite this bad, it is a very tough cold to have. I don't feel to bad although the racking cough is starting to make everything start to ache. Didn't sleep much last night, too busy coughing. Hope did get up this morning and made it as far as the couch. Granny got up a little after 8am, drank a cup of coffee and announced she was going back to bed.

One thing that does brighten my day is a recent picture of my granddaughter Morgan. She is 13 and becoming a very pretty girl. I sure am glad that I am her grandfather rather than her father. I think I did a pretty fair job raising sons but raising a daughter has to be much much harder.
Opa, Mucinex really helps relieve the discomfort associated with chest congestion by loosening and allowing the gunk in your chest to come up more easily. Hope you feel better soon - and that Grannie is recovering.

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