Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

Sam, the mowing graphic is too true! Planned on firing up the mower today before the grass swallows the house and coop, but we had a terrific storm last night. Thunder,lightning, hail and buckets of rain We can see at least one tree from our kitchen window that was struck. Too soggy for mowing today. Got to get the brooding pen set up in the barn. Couldn't resist more chickies at the feed store yesterday. More work for hubby when I head back to California and Mom on the 13th. She is hanging in there for now and is getting along with her caregivers. I talk to her every day for few minutes. I really needed this time at home to relax and restore myself. I feel like I can go back and take care of her now. We are still waiting on results from the biopsy on my brother's brain tumor. I should know more on Monday. Thanks again for all the support and care you guys have sent my way. It really makes a difference.
Sam, the mowing graphic is too true! Planned on firing up the mower today before the grass swallows the house and coop, but we had a terrific storm last night. Thunder,lightning, hail and buckets of rain We can see at least one tree from our kitchen window that was struck. Too soggy for mowing today. Got to get the brooding pen set up in the barn. Couldn't resist more chickies at the feed store yesterday. More work for hubby when I head back to California and Mom on the 13th. She is hanging in there for now and is getting along with her caregivers. I talk to her every day for few minutes. I really needed this time at home to relax and restore myself. I feel like I can go back and take care of her now. We are still waiting on results from the biopsy on my brother's brain tumor. I should know more on Monday. Thanks again for all the support and care you guys have sent my way. It really makes a difference.

Sounds like the rain in your life is pouring down right now. (hugs)
Sam, the mowing graphic is too true!  Planned on firing up the mower today before the grass swallows the house and coop, but we had a terrific storm last night. Thunder,lightning, hail and buckets of rain We can see at least one tree from our kitchen window that was struck.  Too soggy for mowing today. Got to get the brooding pen set up in the barn. Couldn't resist more chickies at the feed store yesterday. More work for hubby when I head back to California and Mom on the 13th. She is hanging in there for now and is getting along with her caregivers. I talk to her every day for few minutes. I really needed this time at home to relax and restore myself. I feel like I can go back and take care of her now. We are still waiting on results from the biopsy on my brother's brain tumor. I should know more on Monday. Thanks  again for all the support and care you guys have sent my way. It really makes a difference.

Glad you are getting some downtime Deb, goodness knows you must need it. Still thinking of you and sending thoughts of peace and strength your way. :hugs
It's going to be a good day. Several things need to be done today and I sure many other things will crop up in the course of living, but no matter what occurs I am adamant that I will not allow anything to deter me from having a good day. Hope tends to get discouraged easily and allows the slightest things to draw her into a funk. I think if she would try to smile more and maybe even laugh she would realize that at the end of the day very little really matters.

I have a doctors appointment for Wednesday to have several suspicious places on my old hide checked. I think the melanoma I had removed a few years ago has returned in other spots. It's sort of ironic that always having had a "healthy tan" could cause so many problems in our "golden" years. I'm not overly concerned as I only worry about those things that I can do something about and since I can do something about them I have nothing to worry about.

I was glad to read that the Thistle's rheas have started laying. I've often thought about how great it would be if I could raise ratites.
Glad you are getting yourself checked out Sam, fingers crossed it turns out to be nothing. My tan comes out of a bottle as my skin is very fair and freckles and burns easily. If only the freckles would join themselves up, I wouldn't need a tan!
LOL! I'd prefer freckles than age spots!

Feeling better but so sore from heart cath surgery. It felt like someone put a torque on my leg and twisted it around from groin to knee, every nerve fibers stretched....ugh! Walking a bit better! Need some of those happy pills!
Glad you are getting yourself checked out Sam, fingers crossed it turns out to be nothing. My tan comes out of a bottle as my skin is very fair and freckles and burns easily. If only the freckles would join themselves up, I wouldn't need a tan!

That sounds like me!! It takes forever, a very slight amount in the sun at a time, for me to show any signs of a tan. Must be that Scotch, Irish, English and German blood I have!

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