Opa's place -Where an old rooster visits with friends

My neighbour came down today and told me she had bought too many eggs to fit into her incubator and did I want some? Ummmm, yes please! 16 Black and Blue Copper Marans, foc! It's been a pretty good day!

No kidding! I was actually looking for volunteers to collect eggs. No danger money and you'd have to pay for your own flights but free accomodation and all the whisky you can drink provided!

Sounds like a wonderful excuse to visit Scotland.. As much as I would love to do just that, I think I'll have to pass on that one.. In the little town of Picacho Peak, (between Phoenix and Tucson, in Arizona), they have an ostrich farm.. I have seen what those birds CAN do, and have way too much respect for them to try anything that would upset them.. Rheas are smaller, but not enough smaller for me.. Thanks for the offer though... Will
I read that rheas have a large spur on their heel and can back kick you with 800 pounds of force. Plus males are the ones that incubate the eggs. Got me wonderin' do you call a broody male rhea?
Be glad it isn't you brooding the eggs!

We have a male emu at the zoo....for a bit, we could not figure out where that humming sound came from. Then my super hearing hubby found the source, it was the emu humming! He didn't have a mate so he was a bachelor LOL!

When hubby mimicked the sound back to him, the emu responded back to him. He does not mind being petted either but only when he wants to be petted. He shares company with the peacocks that roamed freely in the enclosure and grounds of the park.
My neighbour came down today and told me she had bought too many eggs to fit into her incubator and did I want some? Ummmm, yes please! 16 Black and Blue Copper Marans, foc! It's been a pretty good day!

Those are some beautiful eggs, Highlander! I hope they all hatch for you!
Another day on the green side so life is good. I constantly hear people lamenting the loss of the good old days but I am certain that the good days are now. The many advances in medicine alone are reason enough to make one appreciate what we now have. Not that many years ago Granny would have been relegated to a live of pain and immobility. Having a hip replacement is now a common procedure. She also would have been blind due to a ocular stroke that causes blood to leak into her retina. She receives a month injection into her eye and her vision is restored.

The internet is a wonderful advancement example of ow all of this new technology has changed our lifes. The front axle assembly on my lawn tractor broke Thursday while I was mowing the lawn. A simple web search located the necessary parts and they will be delivered in five business days.

However, one of the greatest things is the ability to communicate with people all over the world. A few years ago I would have never dreamed that I would discover a "darlin' daughter" on line and while she may be a virtual daughter I still consider myself lucky to have found her. Since I'm sure all of you know she has no appreciation for the beauty of waking up before the sun and witnessing the beauty of the sunrise, I thought you might enjoy this poem that sounds like it could have been written by our dear Thistle.


I still maintain there is no need to get up at stupid o'clock to see a sunrise when a sunset is just as beautiful and it happens at a reasonable time of day!

I still maintain there is no need to get up at stupid o'clock to see a sunrise when a sunset is just as beautiful and it happens at a reasonable time of day!

There is only once that I purposely got "up at stupid o'clock" to see a sunrise....all the others I've seen have been because I was up already for other reasons. Here is the picture I took of that one time.....Virginia Beach, VA May 2011.


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