Open front coop done, chicken yard in progress

No bullying is good!
They won't really merge/mingle until the little girls start laying and work their way into the pecking order. Hopefully that cockerel has manners by the time his hormones flow.
They sure are pretty!

I'm hoping the big girls will keep him line as he grows up.
Today is the last day of fermented food for a bit. Everyone is doing fine on it, but I think they need a break. Going to switch over to ACV once a week for winter. I put some cayenne in the feed and mixed it in, gave some garlic in a dish. Still think I'll ferment a few times a month, just not every day for now.

My EE pullet was at the bottom of the pecking order and she's the only girl who gives the littles a good chase. Kazoo defended one of the little girls when the EE chased her this morning. It wasn't much of a squabble, but he stepped up!

Major coop cleaning today and putting the solid panels on the front. It's been chilly at night and the bigs were roosting close together the last couple of nights.

Very pleased with the poop board. I can spread what I remove around the floor of the coop which makes it easier to mix in with less dust and less frequent watering. I like the option to scoop and take to the compost pile instead if I want.
I am excited to be finishing up the coop. The birds are going to love all that space. 20171031_171350.jpg
You mean your grow house? :lauI can't believe people would say that lol.
It's looking really good there lady! Have you moved anyone in yet?
No, i need to check for an possible entries at the corners and where the roof meets the sides. Add roosts , feeders, waterers. And i will need another tarp, but it is not urgent. Probably in the next few days. Thanks!

Not the coop, but everyone's enjoying breakfast around the compost pile. Kazoo, the top pic, is our new roo.
Here are the pullets from my original flock, about 11 months old.


The Blue Australorps I added recently joined the big girls. Kazoo is the cockerel, Indigo and Donut are the pullets. They were hatched mid August and the weekend before labor day.

Now we've added two mottled NN pullets hatched Sept 8th. Right now they've been named Nova and Nyx but will see if those fit as we get to know them.

I cleared the coop of pine shavings and replaced with a bale of fresh hay. I still have the poop board in the coop and have been filling a bucket for sheet composting in the garden.

I got 4 bales of hay free from a friend so I decided to spread 2 around the coop yard to see if it'll help keep down the dust in there. I love it! It has also helped with flies. There are still 2 more so as things break down I'll spread those out too.

I removed all bushes from this yard. The girls were just too voracious. They nibble the young leaves on the tree.

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