Opinions on best egg layers

I am surprised nobody has mentioned Buff Orpingtons. Did I miss that comment? Buff Orps are great pets, and pretty good egg layers as well. My little girls have had a number of them over the years, all named Sunshine and Daisy. Friendly and docile would be my description of them. For my part, I've had RIRs literally knock on the door to come inside to visit with me. I think it all has a LOT to do with handling them frequently and hand feeding them, even just bits of lettuce or bread. Raise them to be pets and they will become pets. Good luck!
I have 5 Ameracaunas and 2 black sex link and I get 5 eggs a day, 2 being from the sex link, I used to get 6 or 7 but I have a bad habit hen that eats the eggs.
I have 5 Ameracaunas and 2 black sex link and I get 5 eggs a day, 2 being from the sex link, I used to get 6 or 7 but I have a bad habit hen that eats the eggs.




And I have 2 ducks lol, my female lays an egg a day
I have a variety I like color variety in my chickens. 2each of buffs.rr.eastereggers. etc.so I have red yellow red and black hens. I'm not a fan of leghorns. But I do like California.whites. It's a lite wt. Bird white with the occasional.spot of black. I've had them lay one or two white eggs a day. Their a pretty bird but not as heavy as rr. The 2nd pair I had would roost 30feet up in a tree with my Bantum rooster.
But regardless of the hens you choose keep in mind they need to have enough lite to lay through the year. A friend s coop and pen was back in the woods could hardly see during the day and she complained that the chickens don't lay that much. I told her it was too dark both in and outside the coop.
my coop has a transparent roof so its always lite in the coop. Only the nesting boxes are darkened.
And definitely don't get Dominicks if you're going to have them around small children. I  don't have as much experience with them but they are very aggressive most of the time.
I took my Assel hen to a week long cowboy day petting zoo type thing and she never pecked a single child and was great to let them hold her.

That must be individual experience bc my Dominiques are very friendly and gentle.
I guess I've been lucky when it comes to aggressive birds. I have only had one aggressive rooster and he was a Black Sex Link. Eventually he mellowed and moved out of my way when I walked near him.

Enjoy your chickens!
They're great therapists and cheaper than a shrink!
My marans were the best. I only had them, sex links, and 1 mix. Out of all of them the marans had the best personality, laid straight through New England winters. I didn't like the sex links at all. Could of been the hatchery they came from. I lost all 13 of my flock. Starting over with a mixed flock of barred rock, black australorp, deleware, Partridge Rock, Silkie, and Old English Game bantam.

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