Opinions on best egg layers

If you have many neighbors next door, consider raising calm and quiet breeds. I know I couldn't stand the noise that some hens made after laying an egg. Once 1 hen start, the whole flock follow and can last for awhile non stop.
I have 4 white Leghorns, been getting 4 eggs a day about 99% of the time since Nov. 2014 (I keep a Google calendar on egg production). My girls are pretty much lap chickens despite Leghorns' flighty reputation. We spent a lot of time handling and petting them daily since they were a day old. Once they started squatting (mature to lay eggs), they really calmed down and became very approachable and trainable. We can pick them up any time, call to them to come over. They take turn spending a few hours inside the house every week during the cold spell. So far, they have been the perfect pets with benefit for us.
Our best layer is an almost 2 year old Silkie named Sweetie who lays about 5-6 eggs per week, but i have heard that leghorns, austrolorps, and red sex links are very great layers.
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I would recommend Austerlorps,Black sex links and Americanas 8of those breeds in all and they give us 7 eggs usually sometimes 8.We also have 16 other chickens but we can tell witch chicken lays witch egg because of the different colors.
I would not recommend leghorns if you have a child the can be mean and flighty.Austerlorps are the best birds for children because they are docile like getting picked up and they also have the wold record with 364 eggs in 365 days!
I would not recommend leghorns if you have a child the can be mean and flighty.Austerlorps are the best birds for children because they are docile like getting picked up and they also have the wold record with 364 eggs in 365 days!

Silkies are meant for children,australorps are meant for eggs.

In all respect,you cannot go dissing the leghorn.
Leghorns are very sweet.I have never heard of a aggressive leghorn in my life.
I agree that Australorps are docile in all,I was just protecting the leghorn so it can have homes.

I would also recommend Polish.
It is meant for pets.Not pure egg production though....

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